{ Saturday, August 07, 2010
11:38 AM }

dear suprised me at work on friday. when i got the roadshow at jrg point for the whole of last week. verrryyyyyy borrrriiiiiinnnnggggg i tell youuuuuu!!
he told me he will be fetching me on friday. so i asked him to re-confirm with him again. no reply. i called him dunno how many times, also no respond. last resort, i called his house. i was told by his mum that he already went out. i was almost mad at him. so i tried calling his mobile for the last time. then jengjengjeng!! he appeared infront of me. kononnye mcm OH-SO-SWEET gitu la. hahaha! im sure gonna miss the super friendly people at the branch & also at the roadshow. haiyahh.
& thanks to the weather for spoiling my plan of having KFC am with dear on saturday morning. it was raining heavily accompanied with the loud thunder. dear gave me a wake up call at 9am, it was raining. so we went to sleep back. at 1030, dear gave me a wake up call again. it was still raining. so we slept back. at 11plus, dear gave his last wake up call. a wake up call for me to make-over my hairrrrrrr~!
hope that tmr morning will be a fine day for us to have our breakfast before fasting month.
PS: dear, can we go on a holiday again? just the both of us. *ketawe mentel*
{ Monday, August 02, 2010
8:46 AM }
every step i take, every move i make, every single day, everytime i pray, i'll be missing u.
every day i hope that me & dear will be like how we used to be. the lovebirds. i wish i could turn back time. lets just have more faith in us.
{ Monday, July 12, 2010
5:30 AM }
dear met me during lunch just now. since he was at ICA building renewing his road tax & passport, he met me during lunch after he had done all his stuffs. hehe. da mcm adnan sempit! he only need to change his bike into RXZ, sitting on the RXZ while smoking. with the "biasa bro!!" all the way. HAHAHA! then me with my formal wear walking with him wanting to be a part time minahrempit. HAHA! NASIB DIA BAWAK SUPER 4. klauuuuu motor 2b.....da settle da! hahaha! so i brought him to the hawker centre where there are lots & lots of people. standard la raffles. we had bryani! atlast i get to taste the bryani. hehe. i just dont wanna go back to my office. nak spend time with him only!!
i like playing acting2. bitchy bole. fierce bole. sopan santun mcm pompan melayu terakhir pun bole! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
tu la, keje full time susah, tak keje full time pun susahhhh.
{ Sunday, July 11, 2010
12:03 AM }
now me & dear is changing back to the routine of spending time on saturday!! yessahhh! i told him i guess its better to go out on saturday because we're not rushing to go home. if sunday, we have to rush as we have to wake up early the next day. so takpela, sacrifies skit work ph on sunday.
so yesterday was eqa's engagement ceremony. congrats girl! (: me & dear thought of coming after 2pm. which is we will be the couple starkarat. but then we went out at 1plus instead. haha. at the junction near eqa's house, we bump into the ph. i thought sape je dear lambai2. haha. da mcm escort. hahahah! took some pictures & chilled with the ph gang awhile, then me & dear had to go off earlier as dear wanted to attend his abg sedare nikah ceremony pulak. when me dear & eunos wanted to go off, rain started to pour. nak naik balek paiseh plak. hahahah! so we three lepak2 at the void deck. at almost 4pm, rain had stopped. me & dear proceed to his abg sedare nikah ceremony. when we both reached the place, the place like so deserted. both of us just remembered that the guy side will come to the girl's side! fuhhhh!! selamat aku!! if not i'll be meeting his WHOLE family! *relieved*
we proceed to vivocity to shopping~! i wanted to buy the blouse which i aimed for last week. but then the quality rabak already. haiyahhhhhh! dear pulak wanted to buy a pair of lacoste shoe, but the last piece quality also rabak already. apa la nasib.. but! i got my guess handbag!! woooohoooooo~!
dear told me he will be selling off his bike soon & get a 2b bike during his NS. he said he wanted a sportbike. then i told him, " u nak bli typical kr with p-plate front & back??!!" hahahahahaha!! tetap tzm eh! but no, he wont be getting another tzm though. any kapcai 2b bike but boleh la dear.
PS: i love u dear. (:
{ Thursday, July 01, 2010
5:43 AM }

perangai gbr kat tioman LAGI! hahaha!
yayay tmr TGIF!! having a farewell gathering for mai. the ph's plan either to have at a pub or just a gathering & drinks. dunno la. just follow with the flow aje la.
last tuesday, me & dear came down ph. after a week gitu kan aku tak keje ph, when i met bebeh je, i let it all out. ketawe mcm takda lagi happy gitu. until he said, "eh bebeh, kau trn sini je, mcm playground eh?" aku da kata! its fun working with the fun crowds. unlike the people that im working now. only talked about work stuffs. when lunch time, they got their own groups. =__=
biarla. im just a temp staff there anyway. (:
so yeah, last tuesday, dear sempat buy baron! da ketagih beer pulak. mcm mana la perot tak mcm bpk org. hehehehe!
i think in future i cant work in an office. i just cant sit still. i need to walk around. i work at warehouse suda. kan gerek! boleh jalan2.
apa tak, i've been working with ph for almost 3yrs. then suddenly a change of environment. but nvm, i'll be working ph on sat! yayyyyyyyyy!!
i cant wait for tmr!! ph gathering ji! (((((((:
{ Saturday, June 26, 2010
12:16 PM }

beautiful sunset at tioman~
i just cant get over about tioman. its just so relaxing. ur mind is at ease & so its ur soul.
early morning, no need to stand in the crowd mrt.
at tioman, early morning ate breakfast by the crystal sea. mcm mana la tak relax!
aku da kata, aku nak stay at tioman, do prata bisnes there!
comfirm laku, coz sana takda prata. hehehe!
kk da. so today, which is saturday!
after a long time me & dear not spending time together on saturdays, finally today we went out!
usually is on sundays. =_____________=
alaaaa. ni pun skali skale je klua on saturday. soon, our sunday routine will start. another, =__________________=
firstly, went to ION orchard. nasib got parking right away! if not kene tunggu under the hot sun. LOVEEEEEE ITTTTT!!!!
walked around ION. all having sales. like duhh! got this bershka dress so nice...but no size.
i too small la! :-(
afterwhich we planned to watch the fireworks. but to no avail.
most of the the roads are closed. irritating!
stupid! dear da bings, we went to beach road for dinner. my perot pun also da karaoke.
then we stayed till past midnight.
mcm best gitu kan saturday go out then no need to wake up early the next day.
unlike sundays! klua je, kene alek siang. tmr working. =__=
overall, i just love dear so much.
through ups & downs. nvr u mentioned to let go of me.
stop me if i wanna let u go, just hold on to the rope tight.
lets go through more obstacles together dear.
i love you.
{ Friday, June 25, 2010
8:22 AM }

abeh perangai mafia kat tioman? =____=
fuhhhh! this week i full set combo! firstly, working office hours.
monday- after work, night class.
tues-after work, work ph.
wed-after work, meet dear.
thurs-after work, went bowl & shisha with my ji's.
fri-after work, night class.
the new job was okaylah. the only thing is that...BORING!!!
ahhh! banquet at CBD area is where u can find typical singaporeans reserving the tables with tissues! HILARIOUS!! im just plain lazy la to update my blog. :-D