{ Saturday, August 07, 2010
11:38 AM }

dear suprised me at work on friday. when i got the roadshow at jrg point for the whole of last week. verrryyyyyy borrrriiiiiinnnnggggg i tell youuuuuu!!
he told me he will be fetching me on friday. so i asked him to re-confirm with him again. no reply. i called him dunno how many times, also no respond. last resort, i called his house. i was told by his mum that he already went out. i was almost mad at him. so i tried calling his mobile for the last time. then jengjengjeng!! he appeared infront of me. kononnye mcm OH-SO-SWEET gitu la. hahaha! im sure gonna miss the super friendly people at the branch & also at the roadshow. haiyahh.
& thanks to the weather for spoiling my plan of having KFC am with dear on saturday morning. it was raining heavily accompanied with the loud thunder. dear gave me a wake up call at 9am, it was raining. so we went to sleep back. at 1030, dear gave me a wake up call again. it was still raining. so we slept back. at 11plus, dear gave his last wake up call. a wake up call for me to make-over my hairrrrrrr~!
hope that tmr morning will be a fine day for us to have our breakfast before fasting month.
PS: dear, can we go on a holiday again? just the both of us. *ketawe mentel*
{ Monday, August 02, 2010
8:46 AM }
every step i take, every move i make, every single day, everytime i pray, i'll be missing u.
every day i hope that me & dear will be like how we used to be. the lovebirds. i wish i could turn back time. lets just have more faith in us.