{ Saturday, June 26, 2010
12:16 PM }

beautiful sunset at tioman~
i just cant get over about tioman. its just so relaxing. ur mind is at ease & so its ur soul.
early morning, no need to stand in the crowd mrt.
at tioman, early morning ate breakfast by the crystal sea. mcm mana la tak relax!
aku da kata, aku nak stay at tioman, do prata bisnes there!
comfirm laku, coz sana takda prata. hehehe!
kk da. so today, which is saturday!
after a long time me & dear not spending time together on saturdays, finally today we went out!
usually is on sundays. =_____________=
alaaaa. ni pun skali skale je klua on saturday. soon, our sunday routine will start. another, =__________________=
firstly, went to ION orchard. nasib got parking right away! if not kene tunggu under the hot sun. LOVEEEEEE ITTTTT!!!!
walked around ION. all having sales. like duhh! got this bershka dress so nice...but no size.
i too small la! :-(
afterwhich we planned to watch the fireworks. but to no avail.
most of the the roads are closed. irritating!
stupid! dear da bings, we went to beach road for dinner. my perot pun also da karaoke.
then we stayed till past midnight.
mcm best gitu kan saturday go out then no need to wake up early the next day.
unlike sundays! klua je, kene alek siang. tmr working. =__=
overall, i just love dear so much.
through ups & downs. nvr u mentioned to let go of me.
stop me if i wanna let u go, just hold on to the rope tight.
lets go through more obstacles together dear.
i love you.
{ Friday, June 25, 2010
8:22 AM }

abeh perangai mafia kat tioman? =____=
fuhhhh! this week i full set combo! firstly, working office hours.
monday- after work, night class.
tues-after work, work ph.
wed-after work, meet dear.
thurs-after work, went bowl & shisha with my ji's.
fri-after work, night class.
the new job was okaylah. the only thing is that...BORING!!!
ahhh! banquet at CBD area is where u can find typical singaporeans reserving the tables with tissues! HILARIOUS!! im just plain lazy la to update my blog. :-D
{ Thursday, June 17, 2010
6:58 AM }

Tioman with dear~
how i wish if i could stay at Tioman & make prata bisnes there. comfirm laku!
i dont wanna go home, i just wanna stay there. mind so peaceful.
will update a proper one soon.
i need my sleep now. tmr kej la ji. (:
{ Sunday, June 13, 2010
11:20 AM }
im going off to tioman with dear later. so people, be jealous & miss me!! (:
hellooooooooo airrrrrrr jerrrrrrniiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!