{ Saturday, March 27, 2010
1:43 PM }

happy 17th birthday priya oh priya! (:
im lazy to blog about friday. everyth just happened on the same friday.
yes, im happy celebrating azyani's birthday with them.
but some other things just pop out on that day.
but nevermind, everyth solved. he's just too panaroid la. tau pun sayaaaaaaaaang! heheheh!
im so touched when he wiped my tears. awwww. (;
{ Saturday, March 20, 2010
11:59 AM }

19th march. (picture above, posing bola!)
all of the above went out. firstly we went to botanic garden. it was raining when we're otw there. but when we reached the place, it has stop. so we walked into the botanic garden. walk & walk. then we settle ourselves at the white hut. & apalagiiii! pictures ah abehhhh! pose sini, pose sana.
afterwhich we planned for shisha. some wanted bowl. but since majority wins, it will be shisha. so we headed arab street. k aslam, isap rokok typical satuuuuuuuuuuuu! hahaha! after shisha, all started to feel hungry. so we headed tong seng for our dinner. i had my laksa! yummmmmmy! the apek & nyonya kat saneeeee! YAHHHHHH! MY OTHER TELINGA CANNOT ROSAK AH! da la direct at my ear. hahahah! lastly, all headed home. but i head to bukit batok to meet dear! because its still too early fo me to be home. apa nak uat orang ada 3 pusat kat kepale. hahah! me & dear went to west coast park to chill. i told ya strawberry milkshake is better than chocolate milkshake! hehe. overall, i had fun on 19th march! (((((((:
i want more bitches!
{ Sunday, March 14, 2010
11:26 AM }

my hand look sapau here. haha!

even if it rain or shines, seoul garden is a must!

it was raining heavily. we have to exit expressway.
then, saw pasar malam near pending. apalagiiiii, bedaaaaal ah!

13th march.
atlast the day came! hehe. after weeks & weeks of waiting fo seoul garden, atlast, we had!
i woke up pretty late, first i woke up at 1plus. then alaaa snooze off snooze off then turn off alarm. hehe! luckily woke up at 3pm. if nooooooot....
so met dear at around 4pm. halfway otw, it was raining. so we have to exit from expressway. then at pending, we saw pasar malam! heheh! then, apalagi, bedal ah otak2! muka sardine tin je mkn bawah block. then, when the rain stop, we proceed. then it rain again! stop at the side, & i have to wear the big big raincoat. =______=
kesin dear, baju basah. hehehe! mine, saved! we were wondering why there's so many people at marina. oh! its the IT fair la. waliaowei! my first time going there, soooo many people siak! typical kiasu singaporeans! again, =________=
then to seoul garden! hehehe! i didnt ate much, because im full with the otak2 i had earlier. takpe, aslkan bole main masak2. hehe. kononnye nak feeling2 masakkan dear la. then tak smpai 1 minute, my hand da lenguh daaaa. hahaha! to compare marina now & few years back, now is rather quiet than few years back eh?
where's all those typicals who gets drunk at esplanade gone?
btw, happy 6months dear! loooooooove u! heeheee! i had a great time on sat. thankie thankie! muahs~
{ Friday, March 05, 2010
10:31 AM }

5th march, gfs gathering! ((((((((((: almost everyone was there except for sabrina.
oh yeah, we girls had so so so much fun! erm, girls? YAHHHHHHHHH! WE PERANGAI GIRL AH! we took pics, we took videos. we dance, they sang. we dance to the music of "made in india", "buttons" & a techno song dedicated to all typical matreps & minahreps out there!! hahahaha!!
"made in india"- joget kekek.
"buttons"- joget slut.
"techno"-joget typical.
at around 6plus, we make a move. they went home. i met dear. we went to westmall awhile. then to al-azhar fo dinner. & then to railway to chill. at railway, so funny. i wanted to grab his legs to "crack" his toes bones. he kept avoiding me. when i grab his legs & locked him, he tickled me! wahhh!! play cheat!! && then lastly, when i finally got his legs, i "crack" his toes & he was screaming, sweating.
"i ni bukan kawan u tau, i ni matair u. takda discount ke?"
nyehahahaha! sakitt ehhh??? very good very good! ((((:
okay gfs! ; next couples outing, Insyallah 19th march. :-D
love my girls, muahs!