{ Thursday, February 25, 2010
12:37 PM }

this was wednesday. ah ni part la he hug & "kempissssssssssss!" my stomach. haha! & it was my first day of my period. wahh! i cant help laughing. he was so so funny. he thinks my stomach is colgate. hahaha! so i woke up at 1130am. he got a job interview at 2pm. so which means, i have to wake up early & accompany him the whole day. da mcm P.A eh?? first, his job interview, second, went to clarke quay there to see the holiday package. & then to orchard tower to see the holiday package again. & all the packages are fully booked. so yayay! we can go out on the 13th eh! by then, i started to feel hungry. far east for early dinner. afterwhich, went to look for my watch. since i got no watch fo school. at town, nothing attracts me. so went Mustafa centre. over there, lots of varieties. i got myself a g-shock. wheeee~! kononnye a motivation fo me la to start school. heheheh! & then, we headed to yewtee & chill near the railway. so windy. (((((:
{ Wednesday, February 17, 2010
10:20 PM }

on the eve of CNY. pizzahut was so busy on that day. eh wait! not only that day, til tues it was so so busy. tired oi work straight! haha! so on the eve, we went to a pub after we done our closing. at work, i was so weak. i had my flu & migrane. isap rokok pun tgn mengigil! hahaha! then, yazid massage my head & i took panadol extra. felt better. yazid told me i got 3 pusat at my head?! wahhh! lebih rabak dari nakal tu, dajal! hahahaha! kkk, we had chivas. high ji! i told ya i cant take hitam. if vodka, mcm air pipe. wahhh cheyyy! haha. afterwhich, we had mac breakfast at king albert. & then home! but when i reach my void deck, i vomitted all my breakfast. haiyaaaah.
{ Friday, February 12, 2010
12:16 PM }

i guess its already the 4th time im having bad dreams about losing him. & also the 4th time im crying in my sleep. & when i woke up, my pillows are wet. haiyooo! hmm, i wonder if there's a meaning behind my dreams.
today, basically at home i did nothing much. all i did was to watch tv eat watch tv eat. haha! later in the evening, went out with dear's poly friends. erm, four couple date?? they had an outing for their last day of school. went all the way to sempang bedok for dinner. then thought of karaoke, but cancelled. so we went to kallang, near the indoor stadium there to chill. after which, we went separate ways, met up with dear's secondary friends plak. im like his personal assistant already. mana2 pergi, i follow. =_______=
& then, HOME!!!! penat ji....
{ Monday, February 08, 2010
10:12 AM }

the minnie above shows how happy i am. hehe. so yeah, today is just another day for me. later evening, went to meet mims & taik. my orang2 kuat ji! hahaha! just cant help laughing la just now. we played cards. so instead of taiti, we played steal. ahhhh! amek korg, maki hamun semua kluar! hahaha! & i made some irritating songs which made thahirah looks like a godilocks to me. my secondary school friends, they are the best! because we watch each other grow. & i really dont wanna loose contact with any of them. despite our busy times, we MUST have some time to spent. (:
mims wanna go KL, but im saving up my money for a new lappy. sorry mims! heheheh!
my eyes are so heavy after i ate my medicine. but dear has not reach home yet. :(((
1:41 AM }
maybe sometimes all we need to do is to be patience & to give & take.
{ Saturday, February 06, 2010
10:09 AM }
how will u feel when ur expecting someone to call, but in the end, no. not even a 5 minute talk for the whole day. :-(