{ Thursday, December 10, 2009
10:56 PM }
peks, bir, peha & mims!
last wednesday, we met up & went bowling & then pool at marina square. oh yah! not forgetting, arcade. hehe. we're supposed to meet up at 2pm. in the end, everyone was late. we met up at 3pm instead. haha! i miss them so so much man! but sadly, not all were there. sakinah, nadia & azyani were not there. haiyahhh. when's its gonna be full house?? yeah, we had fun yo! standard ah bowling, im a loser. longkang aje! i guess we're the noisiest there. hehehe. afterwhich, we headed for pool. tak pernah2 we played pool together2 kan. so ameeeeeeek kau! shoot aje sembarang. aslkan bola masok suda eh. next pool kat bukit timah ah babes! ((((:& then, arcade! all last minute plan. ni taik ah nak main parapara. so i tried ah. yahhhh! BAGOS AH! =____= i gave up & played the car race. minah2 racer mah. hahaha! & then we headed for dinner. we had kfc. afterwhich, all went separate ways. left me & taik only. we walked around clarke quay & then home! girls! hurry plan for our next outing! (((:
{ Wednesday, December 02, 2009
1:27 PM }
i think my friends is getting irritated by my blog. hehe! sorry la. busy la babe! what to do, people with two jobs. hahaha. currently, im so fuck up with the sentosa management. seriously. whatever la, what i know is im not gonna continue next yr. pizzahut sudah. hehe. work just now was fun. working with yazid & shufi despatcher. ameeeeeek kau! gerek kaper! shufi & yazid both 2 tubs of ice cream. fuhhhh! sedappp babe! tak makan, rugi!! i was so manje that i asked them to feed me. heee. i think my both arms got blueblack alrdy. ni ah keje shufi & yazid. im like a punching bag la at work. knuckles eh? meh sini kita lawan knuckles. hahaha! number of orders is sooooo little today! so most of the time we're outside smoking. heeee. & there's this time when ALL the crews, riders & were outside & nobody couldnt even bother to check if there's any order. so we "ooo som!". & the odd one will have to go in & check. & hubby kene!!!!!! hehehehe!! overall work was fun la just now. after work, went to chill with hubby awhile under my void deck. then both started to feel hungry. MAC la abeh! both had mc spicy. after eating, proceed back to my block to meet his friend, iqbal. once after my cigg, my stomach had this sudden attack. damn! hurried proceed home & toilet-tosaaaa! waliaowei! my stomach so pain tau! haiyahhh, im still thinking if i should go for the late supper at sempang bedok with the pizzahuts or not tmr. because why, im working at 830am till 6pm at sentosa the next day. & maybe at night, the pizzahuts might be going for dahlan's chalet. see?? im must be so so worn out by then. how eh? hmmmm..
okaylah, i need my sleep now. its already 540am!