{ Saturday, July 25, 2009
2:29 PM }
my best pic fo the day!
atlast we just bought accesories! yan bought the ring, i bought my earrings.
& she bought her cekak.the three of us went out today. its been a long time since we three had our off on saturday. as u know, its very hard fo us to get our day off. we were suppose to meet at 3pm at yewtee mrt. but me & eqa reached 4pm. sorry yan... :-/ so we went PS first to pass eqa's sister hp. then we headed to far east to had our very very late lunch which is 6pm. shafiq joined us fo lunch.then we proceed to haji lane to send shafiq off fo work. then, our legs very itchy to walk around bugis street. we walked round & round. by the time its already 9pm. planned is to watch the fireworks. haiyaaaaah! since its already 9pm, we walked around bugis shopping centre pulak. we got so many things to buy, but atlast we just shopped fo accesories. i got my earring, yan got his very big ring, eqa got her cekak. hahah! on that spot jugak we wore. i want to buy that adidas bag!! haha! after which, we decided to slack at esplanade. so we walked & made our way there. when we reach raffles city already, yazid called & asked us to meet him at lido. waliaoweh! patah balik orchard seh. so since he was alone, we, the very baik hati people, went back orchard to meet him. he had his dinner? or its supper? at mac. then, we walked to cineleisure except fo yazid, he rode. waited fo the ph fo almost 2 hours. haiyooo. we catch " the hangover" at 2am. total 12 people watching. ramai pe! haha! very funny la the show. must watch! they very bastard tau! planned fo me & muz to sit together2 just the both of us infront. punye la malu!! dino was like, " k muz, kau sit J" , "yana kau pun seat J".
the rest stood at the side & gave way like im walking on a red carpet. hahah! so during the movie, me & muz was commenting so much about the movie. haha! so funny la! i remembered this part when one of the actor said, " that was hilarious!", i turned & muz whispered, "hilarious". ada la cerita sebalik nye! heheh! afta movie ends, we headed home. i pillion adi. & when reach my block already, i asked him to send me till my doorstep. i admit im a coward k. & now im still updating. i need my rest fo now. goodnights. eh no! good morning! (:
{ Tuesday, July 21, 2009
1:00 AM }
ehhh biy, takmo step wak2 ah pls baca suratkhabar! hahah!
ni mest keje nad tau!
each represents us(:school is very slacking nowdays. teachers been on MC. so that means, free period! fuhhh gerek!
just now lagi, we only studied chemistry for the first two periods. then PE, i just sat at the bench near the field for some reason. then i fall asleep. aliff perangai, screamed mcm takda lagi kuat gitu. terkejut berok siak! then cannot sleep back. haiyah. then it was english for 2 hours. teacher on MC. we barely did nothing.so i just sleep. maths also, sng didnt came in our class. malay lagi slack. we did listening comprehension but the cd is spoilt. cikgu tried so many times, but to no avail.
yesterday afta school i went to art room with shafiq to hand in our paper 1 artwork. afta settling everyth, i accompanied jumali to do his canvas. im lik feeling2 taking O. cause everyone there are taking their O except for me. but in the end, i have to touch up my canvas too. hahah! so me & jumali catch up things while doing our canvas. good luck with ya O levels ya bro! miss those days yeah!
this post is so lagging laaa~! just a quick update before i went for work. (:
{ Friday, July 17, 2009
7:14 AM }
i slept infront of the computer just now! okay, not suprised cause im always sleepy. haha!& atlast, i completed my art canvas. not really interesting la the painting. as long i completed the canvas, im satisfied!
okay, gotta run! prataaaaaaaaaa here i come! ((((((((:
{ Thursday, July 16, 2009
2:25 AM }
i have so many things to do but so little time. haiyaaa! nvm, afta blogging then can start. hehe. im so so sleepy la k. but i managed not to sleep in school. but my flu was so irritating just now. seriously, i feel like calling the plumber. hahaha! im loving school! oh my! did i just mention i love school? haha! i just love the crowd around me. hehe. the other day naz os licious left his bag unattended in class. then apalagi! me mira & thahirah did our job. hehe! mira chui, thahirah loosen the length i think & me also help chui. when naz realised, he ran & i quickly stopped & half hug him. hahaha! he so short very easy to bully. hahah! so funny la! my eartuds almost confiscated by mr sng. but my mentelness works! (:
i had my english N level oral just now. the hour before, we were inside the AVA room doing some quick revision. but in the end, we talked, we laughed! kononnye nak hilangkan nervous la! sak baby read like news siak! & i commented her like this, "santan dia cukup, lemaknye kurang skit, pitching jaga eh!" so copyrighted from anugerah la! hahahahah!! anyway, the conversation mcm walauwei! byk songeh siol that cikgu! hahah! next, malay N oral. :-/
{ Sunday, July 12, 2009
10:07 AM }

i can only upload two pictures at my blogger. tsk! so irritating la! sorry yah lama tak update. okay, firstly, NAZ OS LICIOUS, i know what u did last summer k!
takpe, nnt aku return k! hehehe! friday, we went to flyers to grab popeyes! weeehuuuuu~!
& then chill & played cards, snap pictures. mcm biasa la girls mah! i want that day again!
while otw to mrt, we walked through esplanade there. then at the stage there's this musical show dunno la. so me & thahirah with our perangai sardine, we salsa together infront of the stage. ahahhaha!! & then bumped into somebody, abes! eliyana da start miang dia!
so here's something i have to update. *rolls eyes*
congrats on my favourite bro engagement on the 5th! im happy for ya pendek.
& lagi, happy belated birthday bro on the 6th!
& yah, thanks for being my shoulder to cry on.
he asked me to update this. hahahah!
da an? da puas da? (:
{ Saturday, July 04, 2009
11:15 PM }
school is very tiring yet fun. really. except for humanites, time fo me to sleep!(: with nazri & hanan the mastermind, we have to check our bags everytime. because why? they will do anyth like loosen the length, cross it or whatsoever when we're not around. kononnye, kekek la! hahah. nvm, u guys wait eh. tuesday, we return k. heheh. cant wait cant wait!
N levels are drawing nearer. im still not prepared. my art is waiting fo me. waliaoweh! stress nye! i dont think i can make it to sec 5 next year. seems like, ITE is next. i've been very paranoid these days. i dont know why. hope this dosent last long.
i have some many things in mind, but it turns out blank the minute i log in blogger.
haiyaaaaaaaaaaa! this post is rather random & bored right!
i gotta run, i need to do my art research. :-/
{ Thursday, July 02, 2009
1:04 AM }
i know i havent been updating. hee. school had started & my schedule now is somehow tight. with schoolwork, work & my hrs of sleep. hehe! first few days, my head da peng already! & the malay cliques kept laughing. sorry ah~! haha! the other i was almost asleep during cme lesson. but when i heard that the teacher gave us 2minutes to let out vulgarities, i quickly woke up & shouted vulgar. hahaha! so funny la. mira cant stop laughing looking at me. she even raised my hand. my temperature was 37.4 yesterday. & im having sore throat & slight flu. straight i have to report to the hall for another temperature taking. leceh la! "haiyoo cher, told ya already no need! hahaha!" suprisingly i survived today, i did not sleep for the whole day at school. keep it up! alaa, today only. because why? i slept the whole day yesterday. reached home & slept till 8pm, woke up & slept back around 12am. heavy eh? heee. was announced that next week monday no school. youth day baby!! whoooooo~! long weekends here i come~! come'on girls, lets go out next week friday! (:
*they called me, mangkok, si mabok miang.*
heheheh! miang nye!