{ Sunday, November 30, 2008
10:15 AM }
i miss my bestfriend here effing much. i miss studying with ya with our laughters more instead. i miss you waking me up by shaking my table in class.i miss doing my art while chitchatting with you. i miss crying infront of you. i miss ur encouragments for me to study hard. i miss ur fucking lame jokes, but still, you make me smile. i miss sharing my problems with you. i miss sharing my dirty little secrets with you. i miss skanking with you. i miss laughing with you. i miss gossipping with you.i miss skipping school with you. i miss us. i wanna go starbucks & slack together with you. (:
{ Friday, November 28, 2008
11:25 PM }
sorry for the lack of updates. im busy laa. hah! supposingly, i should be having fun at the ska gig which is at esplanade. but due to my lazy-ness & no money situation, i replaced my friend at work instead. haa. i want my nadheeyaa to tag me along. but she's busy so yeah fhm2 ajelah. hmm, i've done my mind map & a few pictures of development for my visual diary. i bumped into shafiq the other day. & yes, i was very shocked to see him growing almost the same height as me. wahh, da besar eh kau! haha. see, people do change.
yesterday went car ride with bro an, eqa, an bi, ema. & a bike, ayu & ramdan.
we went to kranji & lepak there for awhile. this part very very KNNCCB! i sat beside ramdan & my leg suddenly got bitten by a very very big ant. i was screaming in pain like hell & everyone thought i was over-reacting. hell no! i guess the ant's bite is too painful that it ended with blood flowing. after which we went out of the kranji area & sent ema home & we proceed to cck park. lepak2 till 530am & off hme. i wanna work & work till i got satisfied with my salary & i wanna go shop! ahh, i feel like drinking. anyone? (:
{ Sunday, November 23, 2008
9:49 AM }
i did not sleep after i reached home arnd 7am & straight to work at 12pm. i was abit late due to my stomachache. tsk3. orders were a handfull & we slacked arnd most of the time. but the minute after ramdan told me that we're too relaxed, orders came in non-stop. kan aku da ckp jgn tegur! but overall, we manage things with no cock-ups. cause our aim was to jam the riders & counter. haha! how bad we were. geee. its the teamwork yaw! i ended work at 9pm. i was very tired & sleepy & all i could think was my bed. it all went away when it comes to after closing. we took pictures with shafiq's canon 10.2 megapixel for the new family tree chart. posing sini, posing sana. hah! & fitri, cant wait to meet you la girl tmr. (: OH NOT FORGETTING,
{ Saturday, November 22, 2008
4:44 PM }
the guy up here is my bro An. we knew each other at pizzahut bbc. i still remember a year back he came to me & ask for my number jokingly & i replied,' kt roster aderlah..' over & over again. we're prefect strangers at the first sight, but sooner we became close. he's a good listener & also a good adviser. a kaki gerek too! i remember the time when i had my breakdown, you were there to lend your shoulder to me. we knew each of us inside out. after being close to you, i know you can make your life a better one. your old enough to think wisely. patience is the key & dont be too hurry in life. all i hope is for you to have the best in life. after we built this friendship, i hope it wont fall into pieces. & bro, i promise i wont leave ya kay? & you have to promise not to leave me too. love ya bro!not forgetting, '3 tahun lagi!' ;-)
4:14 PM }
met yuyu & jay at yewtee mrt at 230pm & we proceed to queensway. its been a long time for me not to step into queensway. we drop by aswad's workplace at levis. did my levis alteration. yay atlast! atlast i ate the mega mcspicy which i've been craving for. fuh! very pedas ah! walked around queensway & we proceed to east coast park for kak sasa's birthday pit. as what i know, the pit was well planned, but end up to be a little bit cock up. we entertained ourselves with our mind game, hah! arnd 3plus we cabbed home. afat, aswad, nurul & silver one cab. me, jay, yuyu & skye one cab. kecoh pe inside cab! haha! lepak at yewtee till the sun goes up. & we went our separate ways at 7plus. heee. & here i am blogging just to avoid from sleeping. im afraid if im overslept & late for work for the third time. work starts at 12pm & now is only 830am. no no, cannot sleep cannot sleep! nnt tk lamer lagi ade label starkarat kt dahi aku!
{ Wednesday, November 19, 2008
8:50 AM }
supposingly, us; me fahmy eqa an ramdan ayu wan & khai should be enjoying ourselves at PH D&D. but mai called us last minute & informed us that drinks are not free flow & she's leaving that place. so we changed plan, went drinking instead. we went to geylang first. i tumpang fahmy. kecoh or what on the road! but kene marah skejap cause i move alot. heee, sorry eh:-/at geylang motor wan pulak uat hal. haiyooo. cannot start. we're stuck for like 1hr.
atlast, he park his bike at the workshop & tumpang khai. we proceed to kent ridge park.drinkdrinkdrink. they bought absolute vodka. oh eqa mabok pe! kecoh ah lu. we went off at arnd 5plus. weee! i like the gap. we stopped at the fragance hotel. eqa an ramdan & ayu stayed there till 12noon just to take care of eqa. & not forgetting at the counter where me & fahmy had this conversation ...
fahmy: eh yana kau nk alek tros ke nk lpk dulu?
me: aku esai gong.
an: adek! ape esai gong?! jgn nk mcm2 eh. da alek kol aku akai phone umah kau. tapi klau kau nk join tkpe jgk.
me & fahmy da terkekek! hahaha! farhan farhan ...
went home straight. anyway thanks fahmy for sending me home. alaaa, umah kau pun daerah umah aku jgk aper. ;-)
okay, that was yesterday story.
so today, working was very fun but many orders.
fahmy:eh yana kau uat lasagne sejuk ah. aku kene maki siak ngan customer kt phone.
me: ahhh ni mai yg ajar aku. aku da ckp maseh keras tapi tk nk dgr. beh aku ikot dier ajer ah.
champion ah mai! haha! mai mrh mrh tapi senyum?
& ijal, g mkn lebih bleh tk? da lah mcm jerangkung! :-P
{ Saturday, November 15, 2008
9:08 AM }

sentosa with the girls today.at 830am sharp i woke up due to the alarm clock.
but actually i set it at 8, but heard it 30mins later. hah! rabak pe.
meet yaya & nydia at bb mrt at 10am.
at the rest at sentosa. they are,shafiqah, inah, aidah, aishah, izzie & jennifer.
the beach was awesome. too awesome that turns me darker.
ahhhh! aku da ckp hitam lahhhh!!
to cityhall late evening.
&& home atlast. im effing tired okay!
{ Thursday, November 13, 2008
9:31 AM }
to town with efa darling last two days. so called last minute plan. hah!
she told me when i msg her to ask her out, she was about to msg me too.
how coincidence!
we catch up alot, yes alot.
our day was called our makan day, first to mccafe-old chang kee-kfc.
from far east to heeren & to far east back.
dropped by bebe to meet my long time no meet friend, maria.
& at heeren we bumped into yan & jasmine.
wahh, jasmine da keje receptionist oi!
efa was supposed to accompany me to PH.
but since she has to be home early, so yeah next time aite girl.
& yan, kte ke town one day k! cpt tunjuk aku tpt mkn yg murah & sedaaaaaaaaap! (:
its a miracle woi yan yg kurus yg kurus leh angkt aku!
{ Tuesday, November 11, 2008
9:59 AM }

champion ah mas, aru check in je da tdo!
2 freaking hrs of waiting.
lek dulu kt youth park. somerset!
{ Sunday, November 09, 2008
9:55 AM }
hola people! im safely back home. so holiday with them was great. we went karaoke at partyworld ktv at orchard for the whole night. arnd 5plus we went to beach road for the coach. the coach left at arnd 7am. i was hyper-active but in the end i slept till my neck hurts in between the 6 hrs. it took almost 2hrs just to check in the hotel. lamer or what siak! later, we had our late lunch at Kenny Rogers. after our meal, walked arnd & we went to the haunted house. kecoh lah seh! i was with mas all the way. we lead the way woi. i was frightened & quickly held his arms until it ends. not only frightened but cant stop laughing too when mas wanted to box the so called ghost whom made me scream at his ears. haha! sorry la mas. later at night, we catch 'the coffin'. peh boringgg, the scary part not that scary lah. an beside me snored while mas at my left like got no feelings like that. haiyoo. after movie, we went back to our rooms. during the night, me, mas, an & eqa couldnt sleep & we ended up playing cards( i won ciggs!) & playing the 'out of the box' thinking game, gereeeek pe. there's this part where everyones cant stop laughing when mas gave me the biggest hint with his full of emotions. HAHA! kekek ah kau! the next day, everyones overslept for the buffet breakfast. so instead we had our breakfast cum lunch at the kopitiam. & then, to the theme park! wheeee! okay, we queued for the spaceshot & by the time its our turn, it rains. but when we walked away, the rain stopped. how dissapointed we were. i love the rollercoaster ride very much. the first ride, i sat at the very ferst seat with an. the funny part was when it speeds, i was melayang2 alrdy. i couldnt help it but to laugh non-stop. but for the other rollercoaster rides, i sat with mas.
'eh dabes blg aku k'-mas.
'maner bleh gini, kau kene angkt tgn aku tk kesah!'-me.
hehehe! i got to hear his 'whooooaaaah' with his deep deep voice. haha. jahat woi aku. the pirate ship was fun too. the six of us sempat pose when we spots the camera. & when me & mas infront raised our hands up, an at the back tickles us. not only once eh, but everytime. haha!
after we had our rides, we had our dinner at MAC. & after dinner, me, eqa, an & mas drank. no liqour. mahal woi. almost 300RM. i couldnt sleep till almost 6am. grrrr. early morning, out of six only the three of us,me an & mas manage to wake up & had our breakfast buffet. & after we filled up our stomach, back to the hotel to take a nap. pack up & check out. lastly we took the train home with our tired faces. but my nose is still stuck up on the computer.
pictures will be uploaded soon till i get my 300plus of snaps(:
{ Wednesday, November 05, 2008
12:21 PM }
its 421am & what the hell im doing right now? i just cant get to sleep. maybe im too excited about the genting trip which is just tmr. weee! me, eqa, an, ayu, ramdan & mas will be meeting tmr night & we will overnight till the next day since the coach will be leaving at 7am. oh btw, working just now was sungguh penat! & now almost everyone disturbs me about mas. im just his pillion for that day lah! anyway, people! miss me okay? will be back on sunday(:
{ Sunday, November 02, 2008
11:50 AM }
the girls up here is my dearest girlfriends, we called ourself kels.we knew each other from pizzahut.
i was very afraid to speak when the first time i worked with them.
sooner, we became close friends.
& from me being quiet, to be the noisiest.
without them, i dont think i can get along with the others at pizzahut.
we exchange stories, & our bond became closer.
words cant describe how precious they are to me.
i love my kels! (:
see the bunch of toot up here? i miss them effing much.
they are the ones who cares to hear my everyday stories, they are the ones who advises me, they are the ones who make my day at school happy. they are the ones who will always be by my side no matter what. they are the ones who knows every bit about me. they are the ones who knows if i had problems. they are the ones who encourage me to study & not to sleep in class. they are the ones who knows the ugly side of me. we do gossips & talk back at each other sometimes, but who cares, who dosent bitch right?
girls, i miss each of you.
11:21 AM }
dink called me & ask me out to his cousin's bbq yesterday night. & since i had no other plans, i followed him. the bbq was at jurong. & yeah, the group of people i met was okay. they did made jokes, but i didnt laugh cause why, i dont have a sense of humor. i only laugh at my own jokes. haha! so we left at around 5am. went to bed straight & i overslept till 1230pm. & im suppose to start work at 12. luckily an called, if not im still in my dreams. hah! woke up & hurriedly got myself ready for work. orders came in non-stop. the day was very buzy, yes very busy. too busy that we had to shut down for awhile. extend till closing, nk carik rezeki la katerkan! haha! closing ends quite late & cabbed home with sufyan. while we're walking towards the bus stop, we bumped into the Monte Carlos. & as we walked further, we bumped into the pastamaniacs, mas & rofian. next sape plak? hah! but before going home, lepak with ayu & ramdan awhile at stagmont & arnd 2am, we left. oh btw, its been arnd 2weeks since i last saw skye, yay! keep it up eliyana! ((((((: