{ Friday, October 31, 2008
9:48 PM }
hola people!
yesterday working was really tiring. i was sweating like hell, orders came in non-stop. i guess its the month-end & thats the reason why orders came in non-stop. despite the many orders, we still had fun right people. closing ends pretty late. but i manage to catch the last train. so i went home, get myself clean & off to lepak at an's place with ayu & ramdan along. faez & fifie were there too. after we had our late dinner, played monopoly. the joy we had was undescribeable. we laughed even at small little things. okay, there's this time when ramdan was too tired to play the game & he ended up giving up almost his property to ayu & also some cash. but an got the
'amber road' property instead of ayu. so they argued & argued like small lil kids.harap je da besar la korg! me & an kept disturbing ayu with the 'duit haram' that ramdan gave her.haha! but in the end, me & ayu bankrupt. so an was the CHAMPION. after the game was over, we went home.
a week more people for gentinnnng! ((((:
1:25 AM }
{ Thursday, October 30, 2008
10:55 AM }
black with mas on the 26th.
nk match kan motor dier ajer eh! not more than that. haha!
& oh, nk speed blg siang2 bleh tk?
sexayyy woi aku with my kain melayang-layang. :-D
SP with super4. asek nk race ajer ..
okay where should i start now?
i miss almost everyone now.
i miss my atok, nadia.
i miss my bitch gf, thahirah.
i miss my dearest gf, afiqah.
i miss my closest bro, farhan.
when my loved ones are busy with their own partners, i felt really missed out.
sometimes i do tried to call them, but they're busy with their own life.
& when i dont call them, they will think the other way round.
thinking that i had forgetten them.
maybe u people wont see it, but i will always be by ur side, loves.
i wonder how my bro is living right now.
he is living independently alone.
sometimes i do miss him.
but no matter what, ur still in my blood.
okay dah enough.
now i wana collect money & shop shop shop after genting!
parents give me green light to genting.
peng maha peng siaaaa! hahaha!
i wana drinkdrinkdrink till im drunk over there. hehe.
{ Sunday, October 19, 2008
7:35 AM }
let me start from yesterday.
jalan raya with an's friends, the civic.
a total of 6 cars. maut pe! hahaha!
was asked to get ready by 930.
i was on time but an was not! wahhhhh!
he fetched me at arnd 10plus with razie in his lancer.
we went to visit late azli beng grave first.
& then, rayaaaaaaa.
pictures here & there. the caught & uncaught ones.
an left us after our first house. his camp officer called. haiyoo.
but joined us back at arnd 6.
okay, now the civics knws what 'blup' means.
& everyone will be disturbing me with the 'blup' thang.
im getting irritated ok!
caught late night movie at causeway point.
watch max payne. BORING!
i almost felt asleep, mmg da tdo pun actually inside the theatre.
& raden md faiz! suare aku not as deep as kau imitate okaaay. grrr! hahah!
but still i had fun with u people. the 'abg2 & kakak2' , meet ya people again aites.
pictures?? with them la deyyyyy.
& tonight? cam tkde plans ajerr.
{ Wednesday, October 15, 2008
10:29 AM }
been busy nowdays.
raya + outing. ape ckp? haha!
skit ari went riding. eqa's birthday.
almost every rider has a girl pillion except for 2 i think.
aku all the way tompang mas. heee.
a total of 8 bikes. gereeeeeeek la eh!
first went to nature park for eqa's birthday celeb.
but before that, me, ayu, mirul & mas went to ati hse while waiting the rest.
almost 11 then we gerak.
went to nature park, then to mountfaber, henderson wave & lastly to cheese prata shop at potong pasir.
otw to mountfaber ade kekek skit.
ati busy taking pics while we otr.
& when me & mas turn, she snaps the picture late & ended up me & mas berpisah skejap.
skejap ajer! hahaha!
i was very noisy on that day. thats me & they knw me well. haha!
suddenly an came to me & carry me towards the rubbish bin.
konon2 nk buang aku ke dlm sampah ler. haha! kekek lah!
really had fun! took pics & henderson wave is so fucking awesome!
romantic laa. nice view & all.
all berpisah at 5am.
the other outing, catch late night movie.
4 bikes ajer.
with eqa, an, ramdan, ayu, rofian & mas.
catch house of bunny.
& oh mas! kau peh ketawe last warning eh.
highlighted siol!
movie ended arnd 330.
straight home. terpisah with an & eqa.
& rofian ajak me, mas, ramdan & ayu to see smth.
so he escort us till serangoon.
ingatkan ape ajer kan he wanted to show us.
rupe2nye, a big patong buddha lah!
alermak rofian! kau waste current aku ajer la!
hahahaha! & then went home. wah, smue alek without bye lah.
& oh, ferst time woi mas htr aku alek! SP oi!
& jyeah, cant wait for next outing. rayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa with the ph crew!
riders unite lagi!
black with mas, nk kene kan motor la ppl! not more than that aites(:
genting trip? suspect kuat i have the green light from my parents.
da lah passport hilang, & the dates are coming nearer. tickets da byr oi. haiyooo.
byk susah ohh.
till here then, nytes people! (:
pictures at friendster.
{ Wednesday, October 01, 2008
9:50 AM }

hey people, slamat hari raye ya! im here to seek forgiveness if i did anyth wrong to u guys.
smth that i did not realise.
my harsh words & all.
forgive me yeah!
& again, SLAMAT HARI RAYA peeps!
dueeeeet masok! weeeeee~!