{ Tuesday, January 29, 2008
4:17 AM }
bloggie, sorry for the lack of updates.
been busy nowdays. da busy woman lah katerkan. haa.
last friday;
steam maha steam with the girls.
fyzah & nurisa. weee~!
we managed to jejak town.
walked arnd taka with our steam faces. huahua!
train home(:
steam again, with fyzah & iffah.
rabak siak kter. smpai tertdo at bridge near fullerton.
& we managed to walked till clarke quay to take the nr3.
steam maha steam pun, iffah jugak jager kte. HAH!
i wonder how she jage us when she herself is steaming. haa.
took some pics & all.
stayed home & atlast kluar.
turun workplace. sucha bored day. argh!
went to school like normal.
went to work after that.
ahh.stress siak only 3ppl working.
me & ati. eqa washer.
when closing, ati went hme after she did her bar closing & eqa went hme when her dad reached.
left me, ALONE.
fuck siaaak!!
tuesday; today.
slept throughout CME lesson.
teacher told me to wake up.
hasbi: cher, she yest work ah cher.
me: (woke up with the stoink face then when back to sleep)
after sch, had the math level test.
got no confident siak.
after went to fajar mac to chill.
we had fun laughing right girls? heee.
while on the way hme,bumped into hairul.
& lepak with them; hairul, alep & fahmy.
rindu aku peh R kapeeer!!
klah peeps,
thats all for now.
goodbye yaw!(:
{ Wednesday, January 16, 2008
5:27 AM }
worked with suzy & eqa.
kay, kte very very the kecoh giler ok.
laughed here & there.
happy maha happy seh kte.
there were not much customers anyway.
& seriously lah, i cant stop laughing whenever i flashback.
only the 3 of us knew(:
k da k da.
work with hafizah & syahirah.
hafizaaaaaaaah! miss working with u lah! (:
got home early. 11pm.
wash myself & off to sleep.
got myself into sleep when english teacher was not arnd.
but a relief teacher. well, who cares.
sempat mimpi lagi ok! :-D
& after school off to workplace to take my 2 umbrellas.
hahah! kecoh siaoo.
then to yewtee to meet eqa.
cheychey! org tuh da kakak lah siol ..
kekek with her at mac together with thahirah.
& got myself home at almost 7.
wa stress tau maths tk tau uat!
& nadia, aku miss kau lah atok!
come back from camp, quick quick!
& sakinah & sabrina too(:
miss ya girls.
{ Saturday, January 12, 2008
10:05 PM }
hello bloggie!
sch ends early like the usual fridays.
the classmates; aliff, nizam, nadia, sabrina, sakinah & me!
add helmi tag us.
we lepak near senja at first.
collect the kitten from aliff.
comment; super duper cute with the blue eyes!
& serious shit siak, aliff cam bpk siaoo.
he knws almost everyth about the kitten & the way he took care of it.
then proceed to bangkit.
nadia & sabrina wanted to rebond their fringe.
& the rest while waiting we lepak under the block.
talking with kitten isint that bad right nizam? hah!
i was too bored & too bored that i talked with the kitten?!
& oh, the friends kitten is currently with nadia.
jage dier baek okay!
aliff, namer kan dier melek suaaa !!
went esp with iffah darls, jibon & the rest.
met them arnd 7 & off to esp by 190.
drink lepak drink lepak.
then arnd 11plus, took the train to tanjong pagar.
naek with them. haha!
okaylah, gerek jgk ah.
hme via cab. reached arnd 4am.
then off sleeping! peh ngantok.
but before that, eat first.
haiyoo, camne lah tk gemok kan?
sunday, which is today.
woke up & quickly call nadia.
today's plan was cancelled.
well .. look's like im just gonna trn workplace.
but i wanna go wlds & eat oreo cheesecake!!
haha! pathetic siak aku.
ok done!
{ Thursday, January 03, 2008
8:39 AM }
gone case, wa mintak paiseh!!
fizah, me & hafiz, maseh tgh strong! HAHA!dear bloggy,
its been a long long time since i last update.
comic strip was a blast.
skank & mosh giler-giler with the happykids till 2 ppl tegur us telling us to chill.
i was doing some washing in the kitchen during the countdown.
& when the clock strike 12, me & the guys were happily screaming! hahaha!
kecoh siakk.
we bukak botol at workplace.
manager alice treat us some foood!
all gathered. awww, so sweet.
after that, we start drinking.
all liqour.
drank pure tau! tkder campur2.
chey, mcm phm.
cukup time, GONE!
i was being slapped by hafiz.(tersadar jap!)
hair burnt by squid.
head being bang!
& bring back home some blueblacks at my leg after dunno how many times i fall down.
faiz managed to snap some photos when im drunk.
kiwak, peh tk senonoh mukenye!
& fizah managed to take a video.
wa mintak paiseh!!
& thanks lah korg for taking care of me.
& the next day, went drinking again.
end up reaching home at 430am.
which im having school & im only having 1 & the half hr of rest.
& to stay still till midnight doing some washing at work.
bayangkan skit? its girlpower.
not soulpower ehh! :-D
pics, next post alright(: