{ Thursday, December 20, 2007
9:11 AM }
okay, went drinking yest, 19 dec.
erm, shld be 20th ah. its arnd 2am u see.
faiz sent me home via bike to change.
then off to woodlands to meet the rest.
the pizza hut crews; Farhan, Saiful, Razi, Hafizah, Faiz & me!
& eddie, not a pizza hut crew.
open chivas. weeeeeeeeeeeeee~!
kekek with them till 4am.
Farhan send me home & we lepak till 7am.
thanks for everything An!
slept till 10am.
terpakse bgn. grrr!
hari raye haji peh psl lah kan.
went for work at 7pm.
& it breaks my heart when i just saw what i shldnt see:'-(
what a dramatic life im having right now.
haizzz ...
{ Saturday, December 15, 2007
11:31 AM }
im feeling so down now. haizz ..
whats the matter with me?
& i dont knw whats the matter with u too.
people come & go as they like.
but u didnt need to treat me like that, right?
ignoring? ok whatever.
do whatever u like.
im fine with it.
but from the bottom of my heart?
we're friends. but not as close as before.
i knw, we didnt spend much time.
not much memories to be kept.
each time u make me smile, u make my day.
well, lets just see what happens next.
why did i met so many people with this fucking attitude?
{ Wednesday, December 12, 2007
10:37 AM }

miss me not? oh well, indonesia trip was definetly boring ah beb!grrr. but the cousins were having fun in my room. haha!
my room=the cousins room
erm, we made a few friends during the trip.
& yeah, we had fun playing hide & seek with the parents right?
haha! adelah crite sebaliknye ....
back from indon,
reached singapore at arnd 12am, saturday.
received a few messages & a call from thahirah.
oh my! i miss u badly!
the next day,
went to woodlands with thahirah & guess what i had from mac cafe?
been craving for it since the indon trip u knw. hehe!
went straight to workplace & check schedule.
but before that, i had a haircut from jean yip. ( is that how it spells?)hah!
no more concave. im getting sick of it okay.
fun fun people working that day. weeeeeeeee~
best kacau korang! :-P
was working. & guess what?
we had to do the cleaning from top till bottom. WTH?!
but nvmlah, we had fun eventhough we're tired.
fast snapshots with the pizza hut crews. :-D
after the cleaning, the nine of us excluding shafiq,
we walked in the rain with the kecohness.
together with efa, eqa, hirah, ati, masyitah, alfie, roger, manager syuk & me!
when it gets heavier, half of us hailed a cab & the rest walked since its already near their homes.
not working.
stayed home all day long.
work & work again. haha!
& now im still craving for oreo cheescake!
{ Saturday, December 01, 2007
11:03 PM }
oh god,
i miss my girls.
yes, i miss them.
their jokes especially. but each time we wana lepak, we're busy with our own stuffs.
haizz, nvmlah.
yesterday,customers came in non-stop.
me & zai sungguh stress at bar.
with so many orders. but still, we had fun.
we laughed even when we are stress.
closing ends pretty late.
so me, zai & nabilah rushed maha rushed for the last train.
riders buih on friday night.
we wanted to drink again.
but atlast cock-up.
& they all blame me.
sedih siak member:'-(
oh btw, will be on overseas from 4dec till mayb 9dec.
indonnn here i come!
hmm, looking from the tour list, it sounds boring.
but, i'll try to myself comfortable there.
with the cousins along.
miss me tauuuuuuuuu! (:
i'll miss working for sure.
the riders, the girls there.
okay, thahirahhhh.
lets meet up girl.