{ Friday, September 28, 2007
4:52 AM }
im still in my uniform eventhough i reached home quite some time. haha! lazy ah to change. ok whatever it is, let me update about today. met thahirah at cck lrt for school. she forgot to bring her pencil box. haha! dok, that's the most important thing yaw!
eng paper 1 was okay. i wrote a rough compo on a piece of rough paper. then for the report, i left for about 5mins to finish my re-writing. still long la siak to write. but with my formula 1 speed, i managed to finish. cramp sial tgn. huhu! paper 2 was FUCK! damn hard la siol. take care la eh eliyana..hahah! after school lepak with Last Resort. wanted to lepak at the usual pondok, but got people. so we find another place to settle. had fun with them! mcm ane la aku tk syg korg smue? then we went separate ways. nizam & nadia went hme via walking towards jelapang/fajar. syafiq & hasbi also went home via train. rizal went home via walking towards pending/petir. but me & thahirah went to LJS to eat. muker tebal kan kte...hehe! after that took 190 towards teck whye to lepak while thahirah went home.
after exams will start our dance k, fyzah, nurisa & thahirah! (:
{ Thursday, September 27, 2007
5:26 AM }
hello hello!
im getting bored here & since im in a good mood, lets blog yaw!
thahirah absent from school.after school had history remedial. but instead, me, nadia, nizam, rizal & shafiq cabot! weeeee~ lepak with them.
school was okay. damn fucking sleepy during malay lesson. me & nizam were asked to wash our face. haha. after school went to lepak at pondok. guess what? me, nadia, thahirah, rizal, nizam & shafiq created our name as, last resort. style bukan? aderla crite sebaliknye. haha! renamed the pondok happykids into pondok last resort. weehuu. kecoh la siak at pondok. turned on hari raya songs & nizam will be dancing enjoying the song. rizal plak give comments. & we burst into laughters. we cry together, we laugh together right? Together We Love. lepak till 5plus then home went home. Last Resort, good luck for the fucking EOYs! after exam baru lah kecoh-kecoh at town!(:
okay, i kinda miss working at Burger King. the kecoh people there. loges & satya flirting with customers. eat secretly at kitchen. playing music inside kitchen. doing closing till 1am every friday. the regular customer who orders only 1 hot tea every night without fail. hotstuffs customers. keying the wrong orders. romie being stressed up. joking with mala. break time together2 with them. Manager geli seeing my hand with the deep cut. hahaha! i miss them:( sure will go there one of the saturday again okay! give me a warm welcome aites! hahaha, sajer je eh kasi order ...
on the other hand, i miss the person who used to keep my heart warm.
but things had changed.
people do change too.
but why all of a sudden?
2 mths had passed, i still kept wondering.
where have i gone wrong?
why are u not beside me keeping me company?
why left my heart without saying a word?
why left when u stole my heart?
why break my heart?
why do u change?
why kept me wondering?
i just cant keep this feeling anymore.
i do miss u, but do u have this feeling too?
im afraid not.
{ Tuesday, September 25, 2007
3:37 AM }
went to school. starting of the day, whole class argue with Ms Pek. we dont want to have P.E. argued plus laughing. hahah! then when geog lesson, Ms Tay talked about smoking. then dunno la who start by shouting, "Ms Pek smoke cher!" then followed by my area. damn kecoh la siak. then when the class gets noisy, Aliff shouted. silence then all burst into laughters. until Hanan shouted then we keep our fucking mouth shut. hahahah! i love 2N2! after school me & Nadia go KFC & bought 2 meals. take-away & ate at pondok. hahahah! gerek dok(:
P.E lesson was gerek! my team; Thahirah, Aliff, Rizal, Si Xian, Sabrina(halfway) & me. we played soccer at the parade square. first match, played with Nizam's group. laughed all the way. then exchange. played with Sam's group plak. seriously, we laughed all they way! TK BEDEK! I cant stop laughing when Rizal kicked the ball in a ballet style, Thahirah imitating how Jun Xiang throw the ball. Sam stopping the ball with the sexy position & many many more lah! lastly, each team gather at one point of the parade square & we ran in a straight line. CLOSING CEREMONY! (: in class, i was restless. pemalas peh budak. hahah! after school bought chicken rice at banquet & off we ate at pondok again. weeeee~(:
thats all for now.
now i gotta step buke infront of my family(:
good at acting huh? hahah!
{ Wednesday, September 19, 2007
6:06 AM }
stupid passer-by spoiling the pic!sorray taik(:
ini buruk, aku tau.
hello, my name mangkok,whats yours?
beautiful nature.
Our Glorious Dead
1993 please.
while waiting for nadia.
im bored, come on! lets blog! hahah!school for monday & tuesday was gerek! like usual, sat beside nadia. when we kutuk cekgu, smpai tk bagi chance! haha!
wednesday; cabot! (:
met thahirah at yewtee mrt. then chilled out at mac while waiting for nadia. arnd 8plus, headed home to change clothes & we headed town. saje je we ate at burgerking .. heheh! then walked till far east plaza. at first i thought i dont wana shop till drop. but atlast, shopped & spent till 100. bought 2 little miss tees, two 3/4 tees. at penin, bought a joker tee & at flash & splash, bought a volcom belt. hahaa! had fun with the two girls really! tk bedek(: arnd 4plus headed the mrt. next time, no more shopping k k mangkok:D
take care people(:
{ Saturday, September 15, 2007
10:39 AM }
school was boring. slept for geog lesson. almost the whole lesson i was asleep. sleepy la dey. lagi i dunno what happen. hahah!
went to school.
cabot skola. went to meet thahirah at gombak. chilled at mac then off to my hme to change clothes then off to town to shop! weeee. bought stripes scarf, rip curl wallet, some facial at watson. at penin, bought 2 skinny jeans & a cardigan. hahah! total spent, almost 2oo. haha!
went to school. ferst day of puasa. damn kecoh at class. photos here & there.
cabot again.
a day for me to enjoy. woke up quite early. slacked at my room doing nothing but hearing songs. then get changed to meet thahirah at pending lrt. since she's at petir, might as well we took 190 right? haha. dropped at orchard & headed to bk; tpt keje lamer saya! returned the uniform but forgot bring apron. grrr!! break-fast there. bk kecoh when i was there. haha! i miss working there lah! k whatever. jejak esplanade to meet hairul & friends. thahirah went home. lepak at colours by the bay. then meet rajes & went to carpark to lepak. then walked arnd with her. went to marina mac to accompany rajes to eat. wanna tag with the amien & the kawan-kawans but they taking night rider home. they all stay daerah yishun there. tkperla, next week ajer la k. took last train home.
take care yaw!
{ Sunday, September 09, 2007
2:25 AM }
finally i sleep well at home after many days of ton. hahah!
wednesday-thursday; ton with friends at pending.
thursday-friday; ton again with friends at pending.
friday-saturday; ton at thahirah hse.
we had fun. really. reached her hse almost 4am. waited for her & family to come home.as i was waiting, lepak with rajes. talked & laughed. da lamer tk jumper eh gal. haha! when met with thahirah, lepak at her room. we watched american pie two. when boring part, me & thahirah fall asleep. when part gerek, both woke up. hahah. slept arnd 7am till 1pm. i was caught sleeping with then sembahyang position. last warning! hahah! then slack till 4pm. showered & get ready to go town. but before that, went back hme ferst. changed & off to cityhall! when alighted at cityhall aready, bumped into elly, shafiq, bot, bob, ruby & the rest. haha. me & thahirah walked arnd marina & met nadia outside mac. we hug in threes together tightly. long time didnt went out with happykids katerkan. haha! love u both la darls! including suhaila too! (: but she's not there. after eating at mac, we went to meet the rest at esplanade. chilled there. then i tag amien with friends; ishardy, zul, azmil, farhan, amien & hisham.
ton with them from saturday till sunday;
we had fun, really. we chilled at marina steps but at the another end till almost 4am. then when time nk balek, ishardy dont want balek. hahah! so we ton there. walked till clarke quay. walked in a straight line on the road. all step 'anak metropolitan' hahah! so the only girl will be in the centre la eh. haha! then when amien said, ' left', all turn left, when 'front', all turn infront. haha! & dunno la sape nye plan nk jalan padang. padehal ader anjing ok. just after a few seconds we step in padang, the anjing bark & kejar us. all ran at the fastest speed. i was in de centre. zul & hisham at blakang. zul told that the anjing was right behind me. kiwak, naseb i ran at the fastest speed & dapat catch the rest. its between life & death siol. then halfway, the dog kejar zul. but weirdly, when i ran towards the court, the dog is infront of me & stop chasing the rest who had aready crossed. hisham left behind. he didnt run with us. but instead he stop there. haiyoo. then zul & ishardy ran back to fetch hisham. but instead zul & ishardy got chased again. hahaha. waited for them at penin. all tired. hahah. we continued walking till clarke quay. reached mac & liang court & its full of people. left there & walked till clarke quay mrt to wait for ferst train. since its too late, we walked till cityhall mrt & waited. inside train all sleeping. hahah! when back home & sleep till 430pm. rabak sioool.
well, the moral of the story is that when u saw dog, dont run. but our case is the dog who ran to us ferst then we ran to escape. haiyoyo. & that tragedy will remain in my heart till i die. haha!
till then, goodbye & take care(:
{ Tuesday, September 04, 2007
11:05 AM }
hey yaw! its been a long time since i last update my blog right? yeah. kinda miss typing. hahah! eliyana, lame ar kau. k da stop. school days are okay for me. getting bored, sleepy & tired in class. once i closed my eyes, surely i will dozed off. gone case ar eh. ahah! teachers day; a kecoh one. kecoh-kecoh everywhere with nizam, shafiq, aliff, rizal, hasbi & thahirah. we ate together, make noise together & screa & shout together. hahah! last warn ehh. after the show, went back home & rest then go for work. break time together with amien. hahah! i go for break first okay then amien came in. hahah. worked till 12plus. didnt do closing. YAY!!! went home then sleep till 330pm.
woke up when Mancis called. i was sleeping ok. he called & ajak go esplanade. haha, woke up straight away, showered & get ready. met mancis, khai & iskandar at cck mrt. inside mrt cant stop laughing siol. & they called me emo-joker. hahah! once reached cityhall, we headed to mac at Funan. according to my plan, damn hungry la k. hahah! then walked arnd esplanade then to memo & we chilled there till last train. mancis left us arnd 10plus. but when me , iskandar & khai at jurong, we terserempak mancis. sway sioool!! hahahah! went back home & off sleeping.
woke up at 1230pm. naseb seh bgn if not overslept siol. haha! work start at 3pm. grrr! but end at 10pm. weee! after work dink msg & ask if want to meet or not. haha! met him & his frend at taka. then arnd 1130 took bus 190 then dropped at Pending. mls nye case, i ton there. haha! mls seh nk alekkk. fattah joined us awhile. then me & dink went to RC & slept. i cant sleep really. but arnd 6plus am, da start ngantok. haha! arnd 8plus headed home & sleep la ape lagi kan. haha! woke up at 430pm.
woke up when suhaila called. chatted awhile & off to yewtee to meet shafiq. then we meet thahirah & off we to jelapang, outside nizam's hse. did our sci project. rizal pun tron seh! kiwak, susah siot. nizam continued doing, while me, nadia, thahirah & shafiq played soccer. hahah!shafiq tendang bola last warn ehh. then we went to KFC & had our lunch.kecoh-kecoh inside KFC. haha! then to park & chill. camwhored like org giler. will update the picture the next post ar k. haha!
till then,
see u when i see u k k(:
Unbreak My Heart