{ Tuesday, May 29, 2007
9:51 PM }
9:46 PM }

sunday pics(:
9:38 PM }
{ Monday, May 28, 2007
5:05 AM }
turon esp jus to see comic strip nye psl. hahah, at esplanade with fizahh & the rest. too many to list. & oh i get to snap a photo with the comic strip drummer(: he is aidil & he is damn cute. i'll upload the photo some other day okay? hee. for the last show, me & fizahh ran to the front stage & we enjoyed ourselves. thanks girl(: headed hme at arnd 11 & reached arnd 12 i think. & oh, i get 2 tight slaps from jaggi. cause before that, i slap her twice when she's high. hahaha.
woke up early for madrasah. last day. had exams & im fucking sure im gonna fail all. hahaha, oh yea coincidenly, syuk sat beside me according to our index number. haaa. but all tk tau ans. so not worth la. hahah. & im fucking happy that madrasah has ended for this semester. weee~. fizahh texted me & asked me if i want to find a job or not. of course i want! so meet her at Pending lrt arnd 230. & i was late. ahha, took bus 190 & off to town. we went to Far East to see the hip hop competition. look for jasmine but dunno where. we went to BK at Far East. but full already. so we went to wheelock BK & Mc cafe at near shaw hse. hopefully we can get.heee. we really need money la. for shopping & drinks! then we went to gleneagles hos i think to see Vas. he kene warded. he's the dance champion ok. & fizahh knws him. hahah. after that we went to Marina Square to eat. laparrrrrr. ate at mac. then off to boat fullerton hotel toilet. its so nice la dey. then we walk to boat quay. sat under the stars. & some guys approached. we make friends. friendly kan kter? haaa. & we wished upon the starts together.& arnd 10plus took the bus & headed home. exactly 12am, ppl start wishing me happy birthday. haa. & im suppose to have a boyfrend by 28may according to Si Xian's rule which her birthday also falls the same as mine.talked on the phone with nadia & bam(nadia's boyfie). they are the ferst two who make my night a happy one. the laughing marathon, i wont forget.
& im 14 today! weeehuuuu~ early morning i get a small scolding from my sis for not silent-ing my hp. cause got msg ppl wishing 'happy birthday'. & i swear i cant open my eyes reading the msgs. was damn sleepy.but today its not a happy one laa. i didnt celebrate with memberx cause all ader diff things. & thahirah mls. member gini siot. ok whatever. went to fizahh hse together with nurisa. had fun at her hse. & i love you too la girls.we slacked alot. yeah alooot. when its already 430. all getting hungry. headed to lot & had our late lunch. lepak with the others. & jaggi is there! hahaha. that crazy partner of mine never fails to me smile. haa. then went home. big sis bought for me & twin sis a chocolate birthday cake. all of a sudden seh. haha, i never had a birthday cake since i was 5. thanks alot big sis! had a mini celebration at home. & nadia just called just now & ajak me lepak for tmr! weeeee~~
oh btw, what about the escape theme park. i wanna celebrate my belated birthday there laa. with laughters arnd. im sure its gona be damn fun. but when? i'll comfirm with my girls later aites. ok so for now,i better get some rest. & readers, im sure i'll upload the pics some other day okay? heheh.
{ Friday, May 25, 2007
3:05 AM }
last day of school. yeah! there's the happy side & the fun side.
the happyside;
no need to force myself to wake up early with muscle leg cramps.
no more sleepy head in class.
no more taking crowded mrt everyday.
the sad side;
i cant meet my memberx everyday.
cannot see 'vogue' everyday:(
so today went to school with thahirah happily. did class cleaning. wiped the windows & fan. scary la wipe fan. hahah, then get back report book. till 1030, the class like restless seh. nth to do. some lie down. some talk craps. hahah, but for nadia, thahirah & me we lie down. i lie at thahirah's right lap while nadia on the left & thahirah at haba's lap. haha. after that we head to fajar mac to eat. damn hungry sial! hahaha. me & nadia ate mc spicy meal while thahirah ate double cheeseburger meal. thahirah ordered first. then when me & nadia order meal, the person served us like not happy siaa. seriously talking siol. then she even asked us to take our burger at the counter ourselves. then when we take back, she gave us 1 free apple pie. haha. we laughed while eating. no laughing tk sah. kater happykids kan. then the 'abg mac' who bought for us rokok that day ader! hahah. belikan saya lagi okeh? hehehe. after that, we head bawah blok to lepak. we make lawak!(:
seriously, friday is always the happiest day!
ok now lets see my results;
english- 51.5/100
malay- 64.6/100
maths- 70.1/100
sci- 65/100
geog- 58.7/100
hist- 30.1/100
lit- 53.1/100
hme econs- 65.8/100
ok done.
lepas rinduuuuuuuuuu(:
{ Thursday, May 24, 2007
6:43 AM }

the malay mates in my class.cute arent they? hahaha, pics explains its all how happy we are.today;
actually thought of not coming to school for cross-country.
but then last minute planned with thahirah come school for fun.
yeah, last minute plan always work.
early morning leg cramp already siol.
nk gerak kan pun tk ble.
haiyoo. so after 5-10 mins, da ok.
took my shower then get ready for cross-country.
suprisingly, mum didnt ask why i wear PE shirt & shorts.
haha, met thahirah at cck like normal.
early morning da energetic to the max.
hahaha.ok whatever it is, me & thahirah are fun runners.
we walked all the way & ended to be the few last runners.
hahah, best right?
after cross country me, nadia & thahirah went to greeridge banquet to eat.
then headed to nadia's hse to lepak.
at her hme, we edit photos using adobe photoshop.
we had a great time laughing really!(:
the babytalk, the violents we used on each other.
hahaha, we do punch people.
we stayed till 6.
then off home.
tired & sweaty.
28 may, i thought of celebrating it with my memberx at escape theme park.
but nadia cant make it cause got some thing going on.
haiyoo. nvmla, 29may maseh ader kan.
belated pun belated la asl kan can celebrate with memberx!(:
{ Monday, May 21, 2007
4:11 AM }
most of the time i had been laughing alot. yeah alot. hahah, inside lrt da keco with thahirah. even people hearing mp3 looking at us. haha. rabak. ok reached school as per normal. me & my memberx sit together-together. weee~ keco giler nye giler. lagi2 with the malay boys. haha. recess was love. hee, i like! me & my memberx laugh alot alot again. fuhhh, happykids giler seh! see us one day along the streets & then you'll know how noisy we are. haha. last two periods cekgu tk dtg. we played truth or dare again. gerek gerek fun fun! i kene kiss hanan's hand. thahirah kene hug & kiss syafiq's cheeks & kiss suhaila at the lips. hanan tk maen dare. he only maen truth. then hasbi kene kiss nadia's cheeks. then syafiq i forgot what he kene dare. alif kene kiss me at the cheeks. suhaila i also what she kene dare & nadia too. eliyana short term memory siol. hahah! assembly sucha bore. after school nadia & suhaila gt coucillor nye bende. then thahirah meet man jap. & i followed hasbi, syafiq, aliff & de ming go lepak at daerah senja there. boring nye psl. hahah. we planned not to come to school on thurs. but too obvious seh mostly malays tk dtg. haha, tgk jela keadaan mcm ane. haha. cross-country mls siol nk run. haha.arnd 430 went hme together with syafiq & hasbi. tired siol. hahah ok whatever.
{ Sunday, May 20, 2007
7:10 AM }
nadia texted me when im vacuuming my bilik. she ajak me go bugis with her, bam(her boyfie) & his friends. arnd 2plus meet up at cck. we meet up the eastern guys at cityhall first. we waited for 2hrs & 21 mins ok! hahah, damn lbt giler seh they. let me recall sape2 ade; hafiz, wan besar & wan kecik i think, iskandar, sherhan & bam. all so malu-malu. haa~ we head to vivo instead of bugis. tukar planning. catch the 635 movie; blades of glory. after buy tickets, go topshop & topman. hahah, after that go mkn LJS. by the time da 630. go buy nachos. nadia blanje. heee. inside cinema keco-keco. hahah! oh btw, ni part my badan kan jadi hot hot heat. nadia seat beside me with her boyfie. then beside me gt 2 unknown couples. & im the middle one. grrrrr! hahaha. after movie go outside vivo. the guys took pics. haiyooo. then arnd 9 head esp.smpai saner almost 10. then 11plus head mrt then hme.
woke up arnd 730 for madrasah. the best thing was the whole day no ustazah. gereeek. haha, 3 people ajak me klua. but all i reject. lazy & tired & kene kemas umah. haha. bro bukak spiderman 3 i think & followed by jangan pandang blkg. didnt fully watch. some part sleeping. hahaha, then when thahirah called, she say 'anak dare tk bagos tau tdo ptg2!' . hahaha. bangon then makan then nap balek. hahah. one more week then hols. happy nye ade, sedih nye pun ader. haiyooo. ok la doks, its getting late. nytes!
{ Friday, May 18, 2007
5:30 AM }
school period almost all free period. played truth or dare. fun!:P . i kene dare to hug & kiss aliff hand. suhaila kene dare kiss nizam's cheeks & kiss hasbi's hand. nadia kene dare kiss my lips. awww. thahirah kene dare kiss hasbi's forehead & nizam's lips. & hasbi kene dare say to zalilah that her dahi luas. & i forgot what nizam kene dare. hahahah!! we had fun really. after school went to Fajar mac as per normal. aliff & nizam tagged us. we steng rokok again. hehe, this time free! no need pay. gerek laa! huhuhu!
went to school like normal. nadia & thahirah didnt come school. so only me & suhaila ajer. then after school head to Fajar mac to meet nadia. chatted & laughed awhile then off to her house to tumpang toilet. hehehe. after that, we watched 'Do Re Mi', tk smpai brape mins changed into another movie. terlalu byk sgt nyanyi la. haha, so we watched '505' i think. we're like siblings when comes to the scary part. phm phm jela eh. hahaha, we laughed alooooooot! & i mean alot. & oh nadia, thanks for the food & everything yea! saaaayang kau! 530 head hme. saw khai517 downstairs. quite sometimes jgk la tk npk dier. hahah, eh i dont miss him okay? haha. ok whatever.
{ Tuesday, May 15, 2007
2:58 AM }
fill in the spaces for us can?
pengantin setiaaa! nenek & atok<33
sorry guys; we have no sopan when there is only girls.
hehe, she give me kiss.
{ Thursday, May 03, 2007
11:12 PM }

this week pictures; will take more okay? hahah, oh yeah, this week exam fever!
eng paper 1&2, sci,maths paper1 & hist over.
left with maths paper1, eng lit, home econs & geog.
thats all right?
should be.
history confirm fail; no need to say a word.
ok whatever, enjoy the pics yeahs.
all the best, best of all for MYE examinations(: