{ Friday, April 27, 2007
9:50 PM }

yesterday; Friday. had eng paper 1 & 2. reached school just in time. heheh. after eng paper 1, survey the class; asking them what quest they do for compo. most of us did quest 3. about 'regrets'. the easiet topic! hahah. had recces. then go back class for eng paper 2. class kecoh. like da abes exams like that. hahah! we played 'wisky' again. ran arnd the class. gereeek la. hahah! then after eng paper 2, headed home straight. reached home ajer go eat skit, hit the sofa then sleep. sleepy & tired. thought of waking up at 230. but then end up waking up at 330 after thahirah called me. i was late. sorry la girl. mandi & get changed for theatre. met thahirah at gombak then off to esplanade to meet nadia. she over then with bam already. hahah. then arnd 5plus me, nadia & thahirah berangkat to ljs at marina square.then the rest came, the 2N girls. after eat walked arnd with nadia & thahirah. the rest chill out near bridge. me & nadia bought polo tee at Fox.i bought the brown one, she bought the green one. hehehe. off to meet the rest. took pics here & there. & lastly, we reached Victoria theatre. make friends with hayati sec4 & ikisec3 in our school. weeee~! thought we seat jauh from them. but no, we just infront of them. hahah, kecoh-kecoh inside theatre with them before show starts. what i can say is, the show is not bad la. but during break time, many people ppl cabot. we chill out at esplanade with hayatisec4, ikisec3, the other 2 sec5 girls i think(luper namer la), sha2t1, sulastri2t1 & hayati2t1. we had fun! yeaps we did(: then arnd 11 berangkat from there. send nadia back to victoria theatre cause her parents fetching her. then baru la we head to cityhall mrt station & then home!
today; saturday.
cannot go out today. promised mum i wont go out for this week cause da many weeks i went home damn late. this week ajer. next week da start alek! hahahaha! okok, i wanna study for sci paper this monday.
{ Thursday, April 26, 2007
1:42 AM }

this was aliff's idea!
{ Wednesday, April 25, 2007
3:23 AM }
'smpai hati tok uat nenek begini..'-& the conversation goes on.the happy times with memberx during free period.
laughing till jaws pain & tears coming out.
even miss nafisah told me that im much more happy than last year.
im a happy kid!(:
yes, i am.

my attitude partner!the two pics are the left-over pics i havent post. so here's the two pics(:
{ Tuesday, April 24, 2007
3:13 AM }
texted nadia what happened & all. then talked on the phone yesterday night with nadia & bam(nadia's boyfie).shared my probs with them.& all of a sudden, tears flowed. i dunno why. seriously. i dengki him so much but there's still tears for him.i hate him, i hate seeing his face. bam advised to be patient & see till where he can go. but to me, i cant take it anymore. especially when he pandang me as 'adk2'. if im one of them, then who you think you are? abang-abang lobang?oh pls la.i'll try my best to be patient. oh ya, dont argue with me if your not in the mood la k. wait till you calm down, then argue with me. ok whatever.
lets start a new chapter. went to school like normal. first period english. did mock test. then next hist. me & nizam did test outside class because the actual test i was not in class.& nizam absent. member jiwe seh!hahah, so outside class, we still sempat ber-communicate with rizal. hahah, but he dunno anything. sedih seh.hahah! ok then after hist, recces.after recces CME. teacher tk dtg. gerek la! then me, nadia & thahirah go canteen to buy lemon halls. then when the relief teacher came in, me & nadia go toilet. inside toilet, her mum called & gave her the good news. me & nadia damn tooooot happy la! jump-jump arnd plus screaming arnd. damn happy la. hahah! then when masok class, me & nadia 'sabo' thahirah.
'cher! she use handphone!' -nadia(pointing towards her)
'come, bring here your handphone'-teacher.
'ampun ar, aku ingatkan tk jadi ape2'-me.
hahaha, but in the end, she get her handphone back. best lar sabo sabo org. hohoho(: after CME, eng lit. the malays kept playing 'whisky'. hahah, gereeek la. but now da tk 'whisky'. 'sakura' i think. but this game only for boys with boys, girls with girls. but still gerek lar. hahah. eng lit cannot tahan seh ketawe2 with my memberx. jaws till pain.then got music. had music test. slept after doing the test. ngantok mautan seh! & lastly got malay. da tk terlarat seh nk jln to malay class. malay okok ar. after school stayed in malay class awhile to accompany thahirah do listening compre. then off to fajar mac without suhaila):. borak-borak, laugh-laugh. arnd 4 went home. inside lrt ternpk dier. apelagi, start la our sindir-menyindir. best ah. hahaha! after he turun, my hati puas already.
MYE examinations are starting next week. i really really hope i can score. i want to please my parents. especially my mum. i want to show them that i knw how to manage my time.
'biler part enjoy, kte enjoy, part blaja, blaja'
{ Saturday, April 21, 2007
11:37 PM }

pop pop that thing.nyehahah!
{ Sunday, April 15, 2007
4:16 AM }
yesterday saturday; went to esplanade again. but before that, went to daerah bugis with parents to cut my hair. then arnd 6plus i headed cityhall mrt to meet iffah darlink. i walk all the way from bugis till there alone okay. hehe. independent. met her then off to meet fyzah, nurisa & bainy. all girls unite! then met pit, said & izzati. pit muntah lagi. boring seh no drinks no nothing. me & iffah thought of angkt power, but no supply. so npk2 nye we be good girls jela.haiyoo. chatted with fyzah, nurisa,bai & iffah. then they bergerak from there to hide from the 'kampau'. so left me & iffah. berdua-dua only. to kill time, we went to Marina Square(teringat squek) to eat. but instead we buy Mc Flurry ice-cream. then off to meet them again. at the same place again. hahah.then got this guy(kwn iffah) buy for us long island. sedap skitt. hahah. sat near the carpark with them. here's the short conversation ..
bai-'eh kau npk ape aku npk?'
me-'aku agak ar'
bai-'org tgh memotek ar. eh fyzah tepi ..'(fyzah blocking)
me-'okok, skg aku aru ble npk full view'
gerek la see ppl memotek. free show woi. hahah. & yeah, the conversation moves on. & then aza, amira & lagi due org(dunno their names) joined us. we went into the esplanade mall & feel the air-con. so cooling sehh. hahah. then got call from fyzah, telling us to go back. patah la alek kiter.arnd 10 mum calling already. but heckcare la~padehal da blaja seh the whole afternoon; only you dont see it.ok whatever.
stayed at esplanade till 11plus. fyzah, nurisa & bai ton there. balek with iffah, aza, amira & jaggi(i think). laugh-laugh inside mrt. heheh. ok, last week pics i havent post yet. i know. the pics havent received yet la. hahah.patient yeahs. hahah.
early morning got madrasah. when i reached there, i was curious to see many people standing outside gate.rupe2nye no key to open the gate. rabaak sehh. but then after 15 mins, got this pakcik came & unlock the gate. hahah. & madrasah ends at 11am. ok done. went back home. continued my studying till 2plus.then siap-siap go jemputan. if im not wrong, i think the 'bdk kompang' are from zhenghua sec la. the sec5s guys. cause the faces all i see very familiar. hahaha. then mum & dad dropped me & twin sis at marsling mrt station. they wanted to go JB. but i malas to ikut. stay at home better kan. went reached home, study again. & then! here i am using comp. i knw how to manage time ok. oh ya, pics besok2 luse2 ok!
thats all for today; good night!(:
go sleep & prepare for school tmr yeahs.
{ Monday, April 09, 2007
3:40 AM }

pictures during sci lessons![:
this Si Xian suddenly came to me & asked me to take pics with her.
hahah, eliyana SUPERvisior!
the saturday pics will update later.
i still dont get those pics yet):
{ Sunday, April 08, 2007
5:36 AM }
hello kawan-kawan(:
yesterday; saturday.
twin sis went to bugis, big sis still havent balek, bro went to youth park(i think) to see people ride bicycle, mum & dad went to kenduri. & i atlast went to esplanade which is already 630. turon saner alone ok. then met up with fatin, farah, tasha & some guys. dunno their names ar. haha. when da mlm skit, the boys bought amsterdam. gerek![: then arnd 9plus, the girls left i think. so me & fatin stayed and tag along faie, pit(his nick i think) & mamat. accompany them go makan at ljs. after they eat, we go chill out at the bridge there. drank vodka again. nadia beep me & says that she is at esplanade with her family & cousins. ingatkan nk meet her, but then tk tau la she. me & fatin went to esplanade toilet awhile. i thought i can walk straight. but then, senget already. naseb got fatin(: then back to the bridge. jalan also senget. arnd 1130 i think we berangkat. seriously, i cannot walk straight. took the last train. they say i smell alchohol. hahah. & then, home! dad was waiting patiently at the living room.fcuk.ok whatever.mandi then tidur[: thats how i spent my saturday night. how bout yours?
{ Tuesday, April 03, 2007
3:04 AM }
i had fun, seriously. went to school like usual with suhaila. first two periods no teacher. gerek. so me, nadia & suhaila had a long time laughing. oh ya, nadia, laen kali jgn sindir aku ar k. skg kau nye turn plak. what goes arnd comes arnd. hahah. anw, get well soon girl. then from 9 to 10 had eng lit. & then it was recces. sial i tell you.me, nadia & suhaila cant stop laughing till me & nadia need to sit & stand a few times. kaki lenguh to walk la. tk le angkt, seret also cannot. hah. ok done. then inside class also cannot stop laughing with suhaila, nizam & aliff.happy kids kater kan. hahah. after school had peer tutoring. but instead we had maths lessons. yippeee! after school went home straight. inside the lrt. here's the conversation ..
suhaila was using her hp.
"eh girl, urs PSP junior ar?"-me
-laughing mood-suhaila
"aku nye PDA junior ar ape mcm?"-me
"eh, due laki kt depan kte ni satu tgh akai PSP & PDA tau, kau sindir drg eh?"-suhaila
"ntah, ane aku prasan."-me
and the conversation goes on. from fajar lrt till phoniex lrt. laughing marathon. nyehaha. lets end the post here peeps. goodbye!