{ Saturday, March 31, 2007
8:50 PM }
hello people. long time no update yeahs. hahah. nothing much to update la thats why. hahah. this week was gerek la. spent most of my time laughing with suhaila & nadia like hell. seriously my jaws can go cramp laughing. nyehahah. yesterday was saturday. went to esplanade with khairul & another chinese guy. met him arnd 5 then of took the train. reached there met up with said, raden & lagi i dunno their names. hahah. & i was high a little bit. when im down arnd 8plus i think we jalan jalan. then go lepak at the bridge there. then arnd 10plus or dunno what time, faie mamat raden & the rest unknowns names came. haha. they got vodka. gerek kan. tapi tk high sgt sebab kan, eliyana kan fierce abeh darah bagos plak tu. hahaha. drink & lepak with them. hah. we berangkat from there arnd 1130. took the mrt. inside the mrt ... we sat at the lantai there. then aleh2 the bdk cina vommited infront of me & faie. cepat2 lah we bangon. geliiiiii ok. whats more, he vommited twice inside mrt. the second time lagi infront of me. live show. hahah.kk cukup eliyana. suprisingly, mum waited for me at the living room till i reached home. but she didnt say anyth. hahah. dad sleep already so no nags la. gerek bukan? nyehahah. at night cant sleep till 3 or 4plus but bgn arnd 9. hahaha. eliyana darah kuat. hah. lets end here aites.
{ Friday, March 23, 2007
6:58 AM }
{ Thursday, March 22, 2007
4:42 AM }
i dreamt about smth yest night. in my dream, it feels like he wanna say smth to me. but when he approach me, i woke up due to my hp msg tone. but what if my hp didnt beep? what will he gonna say? a good or bad thing? curious i am. ok whatever.
{ Monday, March 19, 2007
4:53 AM }
hey im back. hahah. miss me not? nyehah. ok. the 3days 2nights was uhms, can say great la. but some people turn us down. ahhh. dont wanna mention the name. ok where was i? ah!
-meet nadia at lot1 arnd 3plus.
-then off to plaza singapura. actually we wanna go cineleisure. but instead, we got lost & end up at plaza singapura.
-walked arnd & ate chicken pie bought from polar.
-nadia ate hotdog pie.
-then arnd 7plus we head to east coast.
-rent overnight bicycles.
-we speed-up.
-then arnd 1030, faie beep me saying he reached east coast.
-so me & nadia speed-up to save time.
-but then when nadia's bicycle hit my handle, i end up lose-balanced & then! i fall down.
-fcuk i tell you. i was in great pain, but all i can do was, laughing all the way. nadia too[:
-then there's this pakcik was saying, " eh, spects jatuh, spects jatuh!"
-i was like, -oh, spect jatuh kecoh, org jatuh tknk tlg-
-ohk whatever. so sadly, we walked along the track.
-then when met faie, my heart sank. his friend was not there. only him.
-after much discussions, we planned to go to BP. so yeahs, we went there.
-but before that, me & nadia locked the bikes.but still, me & nadia need to go back to east coast the next day. its ok to me cause we had lotsa time to waste.
-went to 7-eleven to buy drinks. we're thirsty.
-nadia was suddenly freshed when she saw syafiq; her boyfie at 7-eleven. (but then, he didnt even tegur her, that was a sad thing, if im in her shoes, i can cry till my eyes swollen.)
-when we chill outside 7-eleven, there's this 2 HOT guys came to us.
-his name was, Shariff. but the friend i dont know. he's damn hot i tell you. at ferst sight nadia thought it was hasifshuqun. but me, i thought it was suhaiman.so its a mixture. damn tooot handsome.
ok enough get back to the story eliyana.
-he came to us & say, "ble duduk?"
-nadia"oh ble, duduk la .."
i cant get to talk to him cause he was talking to faie. ahhh, sebok ar!
-hah ok. he was a nice guy.
-then back to BP by cab.
-chill outside faie hse till next morning.
- took our bath at faie hse.
-then me & nadia went to east coast to unlock & return the bikes.
-sure it was tiring.
-ate lunch there.
-then took a nap till 5plus near the rocks. i love the wind.
-met her cousin awhile. he passed us some bucks. thanks yeahs.
-off to esp. reached there & chill.
-met faie again, & we asked him to buy us drinks. wohooo~~~! thanks.
-hmm, nadia & the rest were high except for me. i was not that high ar. cause why, my blood is strong. hahahah.
-k then went back to BP to meet nas, fir & faie.
put out bags outside faie hse.
-off to meet nurisa, fizahh & bai at petir.
-then went to BPP mac.
-laugh & chat with bai & nadia. great fun!
-then arnd 4plus am, we went back to faie hse to take our bags & off to zhenghua cc rooftop to stay overnight with nadia & bai.
-padehal cops ader seh.
-we stay awake till the next morning. chat & laugh. cold la woi. hahah.
-then arnd 7plus we went to chill under the blk.
-we're in deep sleep. haha.
-oh ya, i didnt realised that there's cops questioning bai & nadia.haha, long story. wanna knw? get to me on msn. lazy to type it here.
-arnd 9plus, we went to 7-eleven at fajar.
-bought maggie for breakfast.
-imagine? we didnt eat for like 20hrs?
-then arnd 11plus, headed home.
-offf to sleeep till 6plus.
-woke up & got to knw bro was in the hospital.
-he met an accident.ishhhh.
okla, thats all. mum's nagging. will upload the pics the next post

high rise buildings.enjoy the pics! [:hahah, ok. yesterday headed to esp with thahirah arnd 5plus. actually nadia should tag along with us, but then her atok was in hospital. so yeahs, next two weeks then aru la ke esp with her.
last minute plan. meet the rest over there.
hmm, can say great day la.
but the sad thing was, somebody was not there.
aslkan, eliyana trn, dier tk trn, aslkan dier trn, eliyana tk trn.
haiyoo. hmm, im out of words.
second telecast, enjoy the pics! [:
{ Thursday, March 01, 2007
1:45 AM }
squek actually talking, but no one listening.
the same birthdate partner[:
sampai senget!

before PE or after PE? ntahh, i forget.