{ Wednesday, February 28, 2007
1:57 AM }
{ Tuesday, February 27, 2007
2:18 AM }
school was normal today. oh yes, memberz cant stop laughing from recces. especially me & suhaila. hahaha. k stop. i dont want to flashback anything about just now. it keeps me laughing like now? hahahaha. lessons are normal. okay, whatever it is, i wanna type smth here. hmm, to whoever it may concern, please make it for the thingy
at esplanade[:only two pics in the mean time, other pics havent transfer yet. sowie eh to keep you guys waiting.
9:37 AM }
the day that i've been waiting for has arrived! planned with nadia to head the esplanade. we did! meet her arnd 3 plus at cck. sowie girl to keep you waiting. then meet her cousin at bukit batok. then to cityhall. walked arnd marina square. tired la woi! walked here & there. if only we have bucks in our wallet, we will be going home with lotsa shopping bags. hahah. k la, eliyana dont world kay. alryt alryt. then kaan, after tiring searching for the long john sliver, her cousin need to go hme. so we send her till the outside esplanade. her parents were there to fetch her. & guess what? we saw the singapore football players waving at us! they were in the bus la with many many harley davidson motors surrounded. fuuh! we thought who seh at first. okay, that makes our day. after sending her cousin, we head to marina square back. tiring seh. lutut leh longgar! hahah. kay, eliyana mrepek.then we head to long john again. this time we get the place right hor! here's the story i wanna share. its rather short laa. me & nadia were queueing to order food. then si eliyana ni bisik kt nadia,
-" eh, tadi kan ader org kasi burger king coupon kan?"
-*laughing mode already.* left long john silver & to burger king instead. hahah. mcm ane la kaki tk lenguh. ate while laughing2. after that, bought some famous amos cookies. so tempting la hey!
while paying, here the short conversation.
"mamat kan tuh?"-nadia.
"huh? maner?"-me.
"tuh la, kau kater nk amek mp3 kau alek kan?"-nadia.
yayay, get my mp3 back! hohoho[:
then head to esplanade hoping to bump into ppl over there. heard ppl calling out my name but dunno who. hahah. then got this one time, we were crossing, then got this 2 or 3 girls shouted, "oi mangkok!" . only nadia knws how my reaction was. hahaha. blurred. turned behind then noticed it was yan after a few secs. he was wearing shades. how am i gonna noticed. hahah. bumped into quite many ppl there. those friends. hahah. took pics & accompanied with laughters. but the sad thing was, nadia had to leave cause she had some family outing the very last minute. haiyoo. so joined the others. to cut it short about today post, im damn tired after travelling from one place to one place. that can build up my stamina right! hahah. k la, thats all for now, & oh, MAYBE im posting those pics here the next post. maybe la, cannot janji!