{ Wednesday, January 31, 2007
4:22 AM }
was late just now. my sis la nie, go bathe so the slow melow digolo until 645. gerek bukan? hahah. & guess what?! my both muscles legs cramp like toot. sial ar i tell you. saket giler babi sak. i cant even walk. i cant even stretch my legs staight. but still, i went to school. cause why, my mum didnt give me green light. she ignored me somemore. you see? haha. even though im already late, took my own sweet time bathing. haha, advantage katerkan. get ready then off to school which is already 715. fuhh. first period was what ar? maths i think. then it was CME. 2 free periods. kk,suhaila addicted already after hearing the "bukan niatku"song from aliff & nas. habes ar, later every sec, she will tune in that song. hahah, peminat setia! then recces was love. seriously laa. its a laughing marathon! me & nadia ate for only like 1 minute, but the laughing 10 mins. hahah. kater happy life what. k, my jaws pain already flashbacking about just now. hohoho[: after recces was HE. yayay! free foood. after HE was science. a laughing marathon with suhaila again. dont wanna drag about it.
after school head to fajar mac with thahirah, suhaila & zhong hao. then head to lot1 with thahirah. reason: go toilet. hahah. bumped into zubaidah. but didnt bump into syazwan. grrr!
lastly, HOME! bumped into Cik Lina. she like recongnise me, like dont recongnise me. apelaa. but still, she recongnise me la hor!
i had smth to share about in this blog.
why must ppl lie? even if you lie, it will go back to the same square one[:
i guess i said too much, so byebye!
is it a WHITE lie or a LIE?
{ Tuesday, January 30, 2007
4:16 AM }
"sejuk eh cam kt switzerland"-me
"kau pernah g switzerland pe?"-older sis.
haha, what she say was right uhs. nyehahah. then on tv awhile since both of us cant sleep.she's in a good mood you see. she turned on suria & the radio ria was playing. & its the ghost story telling time! grrr! we hear the story very very keen sial. scary jgk laa. then 1 plus, we slept due to our sleepyness. the next morning, she woke me up for school. was almost late for school. i was so damn freaking hyper la hey! dont knw why. step in class ajer, with the smiles all over. thats a good thing to start a new day. first lesson was science. oh yeahs, sure the class was noisy. arnd 820 had the science test. biaser la kiter, phm2 jela kay. then eng lit. great laa, Mr James bond was on MC. & the relief teacher was so super duper kind. she let us go toilet with big groups. nyehahah. & then! it was recces. yayay! like the usual us, members, when eating its not sah if we eat without any laughters accompanied. no sopan to be easy[:
lets just skip to after school la k. the sec1 & 2s had the peer tutoring briefing after school. okay, this time si aliff uat lawak maut! he go make the sort of like groaning sound.
"bunyi ape tu?"-me
"aliff ckp tu bunyi cam washing machine dier"-syafiq
the whole lot of us were laughing away then the teachers like all looking already. haiyooo. saket perut woi ketawe. k then stay at school with naddz, asidah, suria & thahirah. a non-stop hits laughters. hohoho!(: then went to lot1 with them except asidah. & we end the day with truckloads of laughter. haiyooo. happy life bukan? i love my life this way. gerek gerek.
k laa, i have some revisions to do.
till then, goodbye[:
{ Saturday, January 27, 2007
6:45 AM }
hey there ppl. uhms, when was the last time i update? you knw? nyehahah. okay, im damn bored so yeahs, im updating. this post is mostly not into details so if your lazy to read, just tag & go. hahah. yesterday was most spent with my atokjunior,nadia & today, saturday, was spent with cucusenior, suhaila. i just wished if i could stay with my members all the time, & laughters will be accompanied 24/7. yest me & nadia fork out 2 bucks & get 1 ciggrate in return? greaaaat. nvm, monday must ask for more[:
okay, after school was greaat. dont wanna drag long about it.& oh, nadia told me smth about her dream & its way too scary even for me to type it here. ahhhhhh ...
suprisingly, my mum didnt beep me for even once on friday. came home quite late laa. she didnt even asked me when i go to. kay best gerek gerek. & today, went to lot1 with suhaila. wanted to do projects but in the end we chill chill. walked arnd then went to mac to chill. the laughters, i wont forget.
class party? the malay boys in my class had been talking about the class party. havent even planned yet. nyehahah. WORLD!
okay what else? hmm .. havent start revising. tests will be up next week. gaaaaah. & eng lit? i dont understand a damn what the heck the teacher was teaching. cause its like, the teacher talking to the wall when he's teaching us. but not bad looking laaa the teacher. heheh. mengatal je ehh si nenekjunior ini. atokjunior da ader, nnt dier bawa diri susah nnt ..
kay, what else? no right?
so lets end here[:
{ Monday, January 22, 2007
2:50 AM }
alryt, sorry yeahs for the late updation.
school was great.
the usual us, laugh like fuckchibai.
okay, skip to assembly can?
went to the hall like we always do.
i was walking steadily into the hall from the back glass door.
then suddenly, someone pushing me.
knw who it was?
my atok junior!
tau tk saper atok junior?
nadia la dey!
she pushed me till i almost jatuh sial, then lagi lagi org tuh nye class da ader.
squek was like saying to me, " eh, klau org tuh tgk kan tk manis.."
kay, lets start from the start.
she claims that she lose balance when she step si xian shoe smth like that laaa.
then, she push me,terjankit to suhaila.
my cucu senior.
like domino sehh.
from there laa, i cant stop laughing like marathon.
then nadia was like, "eh, stop it laa siak!"
laugh till tears seriously.
tears of joy katerkan!
i love these.
after assembly headed to fajar mac to have our homework done like usual.
laugh, laugh, laugh.
alaaaa, easy say, you people has seen us right?
no laugh, no fun.
arnd 5 plus headed hme.
feeling sleepy a little bit.
okay, thats all for today, byebye!
{ Saturday, January 13, 2007
6:55 AM }
kay now im doing nth so lets update yaw!
what day is today?
saturday kan?
yerps, saturday.
woke up arnd 11.
my hp beep two times sia. only the second one hear.the first one da tdo mampos da.
had breakfast then slack in my room.
way too bored laaa.
no mood to do homework or do some revisions.
then on comp.
chatted & friendster.
then fir ajak go lepak at pending there.
to kill my boredom, i followed.
met fir, nas, adam, syawal & another guy.
after awhile, adam, syawal & the another guy left.
so left me, nas & fir.
we headed to BPP.
accompany fir eat.
then to nas house.
kay, first time ar beb saw a guy's room damn clean.
unlike my freaking bro room, like bangkai babi aje.
then to BP again.yeahs again.brrrrrr.
met rifae, zul & another guy.
this one naseb stakat brape mins.
then fir & nas decided to send me home by walking all the way.
yeahs, we did(:
its a long way.
sure we rested awhile along the way.
then when smpai my block, they decided to send me till doorstep.
hahah, yeahs, they did.
since my parents not at home la kan.
i ajak them singgah my hse awhile, but then, they dont want.grrrr.
yela, tk manis bukan?
hahah, i even wanted to bring some drinks for them, but then they also dont want.
so when i step in my house, quickly head my room & then to the toilet to bathe.
wanted to avoid from bumping into my parents.
then apelagi, went into the kicthen & grab some food to eaaaat.
oh yahs, my parents bought for me another green snake from ikea!
haiyooo.they think im still small laa.
but no, im not gonna throw away my another snakey.
cause it brings alot of memories with that snakey.
okay, my legs, my eyes is getting tired.
slamat jalan!
klau jatuh, bgn sendiri[:
{ Thursday, January 11, 2007
2:53 AM }
going to school with smiles all over everyday.isint it a good start of the day?yes it is.hahah.kay, i have nothing to update la.notting much happen laa.not much, nothing.kay,for once & all.goodbye.
{ Friday, January 05, 2007
5:18 AM }
squekk missing laaa.
see no touch[:
the very very sweeeet couple, atok junior & nenek junior!hey! we aint lesbian okay.
dont get the wrong idea.
i love punching my atok junior!
thats the pichas peeps.
pictures says more than words.
i love my members,N.E.T.S!
loud speaker signing off.
{ Thursday, January 04, 2007
4:24 AM }
weeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~!happy sial yesterday & today!kk, dont wanna drag about yesterday.today was hell fun siaaaaaaaal!like the usual us, very very noisy la kan.kays, lets skip to recces.recces was love.hahaha.thahirah go jumper man.suhaila gt the counsilior nye bende.so left with only me & nadia.kecooh rabaaaaak siakk!kk, we ate while we laugh like there's nobody arnd us.we order the same food & same drinks uhs.kater sweetest couple kan ..she ate berkecai sioool, can conqure whole table siak!da lah tuh, ketawe cam nk mampos. mampos tk nk, ajal lom smpai ...the chicken like kept rolling siak.irritating bukan?hahahaha. i tell you, its a non-stop hits laughing matter.& oh, we ate without any sopan.so fhm2 je la kay.[:then to class.lets skip to after school.hahahahahahahahahah!me, nadia & thahirah meet man.then me & nadia like sebok2 la kan.then we go sit at the near pond.not at the pond there.kays, this is where we are very very very noisy.yela, kater bobal cam jerit pe ..yeahs, we're not talking, we're shouting.hahahs.imagine?all the way siakk.ppl like all looking siak.FUYOH FUYOH!my voice can lost sak.then after a while, we noticed that mr yusoff was looking at us from FORTH STOREY!imagine la hey!he looks at us, then smile smile.i guess we're noisy uhs.yeahs, that's basic okay!haiyoooh, after that, me, nadia & thahirah headed to greenridge KFC.it was thahirah's treat[:thanks ehk girl!cam biasak jgk kte, kecorables!after eating, walk to fajar mac.lepak awhile there.arnd 5 plus headed hme.yeahs, i had fun. will update the pics later.waiting for thahirah to transfer the pics uhs.till then, goodbye.