{ Wednesday, November 29, 2006
5:05 AM }

hello.today went out with thahirah & nadia to causeway point.hmm, biler hendak ke town ye?sudah lamer okeh tidak ke sana!haha.met nadia at yew tee mrt.thahirah like damn late la deh.so chatted & laugh laugh alot2 plus loud while waiting 4 thahirah.its like about 7 trains passed areadii.after met thahirah and headed to causeway.at there we were like talking like no our place like that.alah, u all know how noisy we are rytes?i guessed we met the bapoks at sentosa again lah!what a small world beb!then went to bukit gombak to meet someone.but that someone didnt turned up.so camwhore la ape agikk!
{ Friday, November 24, 2006
6:20 AM }
heylo weylo dimelo chain hang low!okay open hse like fucking tiring okeh!shldnt have come seh ..tkper, skali skale ..performed 4 the ferst two shows then the last one i go cabot beb!sape tk kenal eliyana kan ..went to toilet with rajes, thahirah, suhaila, majid & another two guys.the guys like damn noisy!kay then went exploring at fajar & greenridge .at the pavements me & nadia like doing the crumpings & all that .kikiki!okay, i had no idea what to update about .oh yeahs, bye bye
{ Monday, November 20, 2006
10:42 PM }
hey peeps:]yesterday was damn fuckingly fun!enjoyed every moment with them:]went sentosa with nadia, rajes, thahirah & man.met arnd 1145.by the time reached there arnd 1 plus.find a place to place our bags.find this cosy place.then changed then jumped into the sea!fulemakk!the the sea super calm beb.rajes didnt swim uh.then man was like, 'eh, npk org tuh tk? krg tgk btol2, dier bapokk sakk!'me, nadia, thahirah & rajes were like 'maner2?!'then we walked there to check.& its true.they're wearing bikini sumore.ewwww, hear their voices ble cair beb.then when man walked ajer, they were like looking, staring ..fuuhhhh.then we make a move to another place.played with water & we saw many2 jellyfishes.ewwwww.yucksss.arnd 3 plus go wash up cause we're going to vivocity~!okeh.i was the noisieeeet person in the toilet.singing plus laughing awayy.then kan, i was combing my hair at the mirror there when suddenly the bapoks came in.i was like, 'almkkk, drg dtg ar'haiyoo.arnd 4 plus move from there.headed to vivocity.ferst thing we look for is foooooooood:]headed to banquet.bump into nurisa's family with yan, majid & another one i forgot the name.then, nurisa, yan, majid & the another one tagged us.went upstairs.see the view.so romantic i shld say.played water with them.we're all wet i shld say.& then kan, there were couples sitting together2 ...there are: nurisa & yan, thahirah & man, rajes & majid.seee?ohkay, rajes & majid were like couples lah!they didnt stead but areadii like couples.how sweeeet:]headed home arnd 8.& then reached arnd 9 plus.mananged to watch hikmah.yaaaaaaaaay!okay, but before that had hot bath cause im like freeeezing cold.grrrrr!& oh, i dreamt of smth last night & its sort of came trueeeeee.-R.I.P.-
{ Sunday, November 19, 2006
4:17 AM }
heylo weylo dimelo chain hang low peeps:]at last my hair is done:)shall update about monday outing to sentosa with my friends for the next post.-R.I.P.-
{ Tuesday, November 14, 2006
8:16 PM }
greetings:DDokay, yesterday me & thahirah went to nadia's hse to dye hair!heeeeeeeeeeeeeee:))))))))met thahirah at lot1.as usual, she was late. grrrr!come faster okeh!so bought at hair dye at watson .guess what, si eliyana accidentally spilled slurpee.gaaahhh.but then got org tlg wipe kan.we kinda cerewet to agreed on one colour .i want the blonde blonde!after that went to mcdonald's to mamam.me & thahirah were like berbual2 WORLD!no need world, country da cukup!ppl were looking at us okay .nehh mind, tk lamer agikk mintk number.kk, part nie smue da mepekkkk.after mamaming, headed to lrt station.then waited for nadia under her block for like alomst half an hour .then start lah our laughing2, shouting2!soon after, timbul lah si nadia ini ..then start our salon ..thahirah help with the dyeing of hair.sambil2 tuh, watched the movie,"heart"okay, i dun really quite understand the movie la.they speaking in indo language .but still, with our laughing2, happy lah the day became.then arnd 6 plus went hme.i tell you, everywhere we go, the smell of dyed hair was following ..huahuahua!k la, till here then.& oh, im so the addicted to the 'percinta wanita' song!been hearing over and over again .kikiki ..... mak!-R.I.P.-
{ Saturday, November 11, 2006
12:03 AM }
heylos(:9 november.had dance day-camp.we did alomst nothing okeh.ferstly was the ice-breakers & then it was breakfast. then for the groupings, my group had to do the billboards. kinda fun la do the billboards.then went to beautyworld to shop for materials.i wanted to help but then the leaders are kinda being bossy.so sat at macdonals with azyani.the rest also sat there.then back to school for lunch.after lunch we had to complete our shits & stuffs till 6.imagine la from 2 to 6 doing the same thing?bored right?so after helping my group, me , thahirah, iffah, nabilah, sha we play play arnd the dance studio.its air-condition okeh.arnd 6 pack-up then off headed home.was damn tired.10 november.had dance day-camp again.like usual, had breakfast.then finish up our thingy till11.i helped abit then help rashidah, fitri & nazurah with their posters.put the gliters & stuffs.then its areadii time for the presentation ...after that was our lunch.& there goes the make-up, hair-styling, catwalking workshop .had lotsa fun beybeh ...arnd 6 plus pack-up.& oh, my day wont complete without taking pichas & laughing all day long with my darls arnd(:thanks darls for making my day alryt!& iffah, send me the pichas quick!HA HA& tonight, going to lutfil's house for cousins gathering.wonder what will they make uhh.HO HO-R.I.P.-
{ Tuesday, November 07, 2006
8:39 PM }
heylos peeps(:yesterday went out with nadia & thahirah .went to causeway point to play arcade.& we played, car race, fast & furious car race, fire fighter, motor race, crazy taxi & many many more .tgh maen oso still can laugh laugh .then thought of watching movie .so we watched "the grudge 2"while waiting for the movie to start, we walked arnd .& we saw naddz & haron .fulemak!berdua-duaan sahaja beb!& guess what, they're watching "the grudge two!"their seats are like a little far away from us .thought of throwing some popcorns to them .so we reached the cinema just in time .while watching, me, thahirah & nadia scream scream loudly.when the scary part ajer , mule lah our screaming ...then ryte, got 1 couple just right our back, kissing ....haiyoooo .& oh, i cant sleep at night .gahhhhh .scary luhhhh .k la, there's nothing for me to blog now .thats all darls .goodbye.-R.I.P.-
{ Monday, November 06, 2006
12:00 AM }
im so so the bored la.okay, i wanna play arcade, not going out beraye.hols sucha bore.had dance practise.gahhhhh.i wanna watch STEP UP can?members, i mishhh u guys!& also to the malay guys in my class.its like we're brothers & sisters.i mishh those time we sat together, crack those jokes, paper fight, laugh together, getting into trouble, pulling each others chair, pulling each others shoes, kicking legs ..haiizzz, times really pass by really fast .& next year, me, suhaila, nadia berazam to study damn hard .we areadii wasted our sec1 year.getting marks of bullshits.what should i spent with my raya money uh?should i spent it on mp4? i guess no, cause, in the end, my fucking bro will be using it .clothes? hmm, mayb ...arcade? sucha waste.i guess i should spent some on movies, arcades, clothes & stuffs .hohoho!dance practise is almost everday .& oh, last saturday was the last day of madrasah .was damn happy beb!then the surah, should hafal 3 but then only hafal 1 .naseb didnt black out. after the oral ajer , cpt da luper .i said, "for the whole year, i've been waiting for this day"pathetic lah u!-ayesha said .wakaka.dammit! ayesha, nadhirah, im gonna mishh u guys man!ur both changing schools & ur two the only close frends i had in madrasah.& ayesha, we had been friends since primary 1 .7 years i had been together with her & suddenly ur changing school?grrr! should i change too?al-iman mayb?nadia's in al-iman! hahawe'll see the weather la.yesterday went to malaca to visit some relatives.uhms, i"ll update those pics i took in the car okay?wait uh till i transfer those pics:P& thats all bloggers.i had almost nothing to blog now ..so yeahs , good bye(:-R.I.P.-